In coping with everyday changes that sometimes include continuous medical issues, this may seem like a huge challenge in keeping joy in your heart and life. But it is essential to healing and keeping yourself on a healing track. It is not something that comes naturally to all of us. And some may have had the knack for laughing and being upbeat, but you may feel as if you have lost much of that right now. But there are ways to work on it and keep your heart, mind, body and spirit on a positive path:
1. Look in the mirror each morning and tell yourself out loud how much you love YOU. It may seem awkward, silly, and totally out of your realm. But let yourself know how important, strong, courageous you are and how much you love yourself for all those things and more. Truly look at yourself and how beautiful you are.
2. Journal on anything that comes up for you. Do it free style with no structure to your writing. Find a comforting place to write for 15 minutes and then put it away. Let out everything you need to and share the things that keep coming up with a family member, close friend, counselor, etc. Remember, your support team is one that you build along the way. Choose those who will lift you up by what you share.
3. Visualization- If you are not a writer, then sit in a peaceful place with no distractions and close your eyes. Now imagine having a pad of paper and a pen and write down one of your fears. Finish it and in your mind crumble it up. With that paper, toss it into my flowing river and let it drift away. Continue to do this with another fear, anger, etc and toss that as well. Make this your intention that eventually that feeling will truly be released from you and float away.
4. Be Grateful- Not an easy task again when trying to cope with so much. But find 3 things that are happening in your life right now that you are blessed with and deeply cherish those. Gratefulness carries over to others and can empower those in your life that are supporting you as well.
5. Feel God within - Whatever your religion or spiritual choice may be, embrace it. Know that this higher power has plans for you and will guide you in all the right ways that are to be. Connect in whatever ways feel positive for your heart, mind, body and spirit. Let this be your endearing and cherished highest power to see you through your blessings and your healing.
6. Be kind to yourself- You have survived and are meant to be here! Let kindness seep into every cell and flow in your heart always.