Sunday, July 24, 2016


For the past few months I haven't written, but for good reasons. I have been working on my intentions and my biggest one has involved natural healing.  To the surprise of my doctor and those around me, I have maintained good health and pray that my continued daily work puts me on the road back to perfect health.

Just recently I had the pleasure of leading a group of women for a discussion on Intentions.
Taking information from one of my favorite authors, Wayne Dyer, I wanted to share some of this with you as well.

**Intentions can be defined as (n) an aim or plan; the healing process of a wound.

And according to Wayne Dyer, Intention is not something you do, but is an energy you are a part of-an energy that you can access to begin or continue, in co-creating your life.

Here are exciting ways to connect with your Intentions today:

1. Be Creative
     ~Trust your own purpose and have an attitude of unbending intent in your daily thoughts and activities.  Allow your Intentions to be a part of your daily life.

2.  Be Kind

     ~Make an effort to live in cheerful kindness. It is a much higher energy than anger and judgement and it makes the manifestation of your desires possible.

   ~It's through giving that we receive, and it's through acts of kindness directed towards others that also attracts into our lives what we desire.

     Be Kind to yourself in everything you do.

     Be Kind towards others

     Be Kind towards all animals in the kingdom of Life here on the forests, the deserts, the beaches and all that has the essence of life pulsating through it.

3.  Be Love

     ~Love is the force behind the will of God

4.  Be Beauty

     ~Appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch and experience

5.  Be Ever Expansive

     ~By being in an ever-expanding state, you are continually growing intellectually, emotionally and spiritually

6.  Be Abundant

     ~Intention is endlessly abundant and holds limitless awareness.  There doesn't need to be a set list for just this time and then waiting to do the rest of your list next month, next year, when you retire, etc.

7.  Be Receptive

     ~Be open to the power of your intentions and allow God to handle your life for you.

"I accept the guidance and assistance of the same force that created me, I let go of my ego, and I trust in this wisdom to move at its own peaceful pace. I make no demands on it"~ Dr Wayne Dyer

So now take some time to write down your own Intentions.  And find a place to hang them up
so that you are reminded of what is deep in your heart and some of the ways that are included above
to get there.

May your life be filled with Love, Peace and Hope!