Letting go as much as you can...
To allow yourself to be in the present moment...no matter what may be going on right now...and to let go of past traumas and the fears that tie into them, will give you more freedom than you realize.
Depending on where you are in your life at this time, your experiences from the past, may still be something you are continuing to deal with. But wouldn’t it be nice to free yourself from even parts of what emotionally hurts you, if not all of it?
Just think of it! You will have the opportunity to become more creative and bring space into your heart for gratitude and love. Your thoughts will be focused on today and your mind will be clearer for making any decisions you may have to take on.
Need some support with that? Find a counselor, close friend, family member who can be there for you and let those close to you know that you are making changes in your life that may be hard at times (holding onto traumas can have emotional benefits in that we feel comfortable re-living them again and again...and don’t have to work at moving forward in our lives....so you may waver back and forth with letting go).
But does even thinking of letting go make you feel a little lighter? Could you treat yourself to the idea for a few days and see how it feels? (Don’t forget your gratitude journal to help you with it all too). Baby yourself along the way and acknowledge the positive changes you make for yourself. You are important! You deserve this!
Hoping you will give it a try and enjoy the freedom that comes with it!
Colleen :-)