Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Summertime Fun...

Have you pulled out your flip flops and beach towels?   Indulged at your favorite ice cream place yet?

Taken a walk in the evening to feel the cooler air on your face from the summer heat?

Smelled the scents of summer BBQs, ocean breezes, grass being mowed?

Held someone's hand to take in a breathtaking summer sunset?

Heard the birds singing their hearts out in the morning sunshine?

Summer is here and life needs to be soaked in for all its wonders!

So head out and go stick your toes in the ocean.  It's time for some fun!

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian Mantra that has been used for centuries for healing in so many ways. Forgiveness is the key to health and happiness...and here is a place to start:
1.  Close your eyes and imagine anyone you would like to heal your relationship with, or any
                memory that you find troubling.
2.  Repeat these four phrases with prayerful intention:  (your intention to truly feel what you               
                      are saying is very important)

* I am very sorry.
*Please forgive me.
*  I love you.
* Thank you.
3.  Say these several times and state out loud if you can, who you are asking for forgiveness and what you want to be forgiven for in your life.  Do this several times throughout the day until your intentions are a part of you and then eventually at least once a day.

4.  Make sure that you also take time to thank your body for all it has done for you and how it has taken care of you; your mind for all the work that it does every day to see that you are on top of things; and your dear spirit that holds your heart of faith and joy.

Colleen :-)

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Inspirational books to share...

These are just a few books that I hope you will enjoy reading and they bring you comfort, healing and great joy into your lives!

Happy Reading!

Colleen :-)

Friday, June 23, 2017

Keeping positive thoughts....


What are the five affirmative things you have told yourself today?  

Have you been kind to yourself and reminded your body how much you love it?  Did you pat yourself on the back for something you did that may have helped you, or someone else's life? 

Studies have shown that it is typical for us to bombard ourselves with negative thoughts throughout our days.  As a matter of fact, it is reported that basically 80% of an average person's thoughts are negative each day.  This would surely account for how people can bring themselves (and of course others) down when all they keep hearing in their heads are thoughts that hurt or make us feel bad about ourselves.

So now is the time to remind us to breathe in positive energy and calming thoughts to keep us healthy and continue the healing our bodies offer us if we take good care of them.

Sending good thoughts your way,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Make your move...

I love this from Joel Osteen...

"We all go through seasons of difficulty and face storms in life. But during those times, we have to remember that God is greater than any struggle we face! He'll take those challenges and use them to strengthen us, but we have to do our part and take a step of faith toward the victory.

Think about the caterpillar before it becomes a butterfly.  When it's wrapped in its dark cocoon on the backside of some tree, it doesn't look like it has many options. But when it becomes a butterfly inside that cocoon, it doesn't just sit and wait for someone to come and let it out. No, that butterfly knows that it has to make a move if it is going to be set free to fly. In the same way we have to do something to get out of the confining places we are in. We have to pray, we have to believe, and we have to press through to victory.

Today, no matter what you may be facing, remember God is sufficient for you. His strength is made perfect in you. He has given you everything you need to overcome in this life. Now is the time to break free and rise to new levels because He has victory and blessing prepared for you!"

Spread your butterfly wings and be free,

Colleen :-)

Friday, June 16, 2017

Soak in....

After a day of work, errands, healing etc, wouldn't it be nice to wash your cares away?

How about grabbing your favorite book or magazine?  Some candles, a comfy tub pillow and natural sponges and soap to soothe your day?

It's time to take care of you after a crazy day of doing for everyone else.  Start that water going at a temperature that caresses you with your softest towels waiting for you afterwards.

Relax and's everything you deserve.

Colleen :-)

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Today is a good day to be a great day....

Ride the fire breathing dragon of your dreams fearlessly!!

Take today to purse a's the perfect time to do it!

Wishing you the courage and inspiration to start right now.

Colleen :-)

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

When I am is never alone....

Our connections with one another, whether we realize or acknowledge them, is a strong energy that brings us together and keeps us in touch with one another.  It may be through the ideas we think of by text, phone, mail, etc. But we also have a strength amongst us that surely grows when someone is with us, or even thinking of us, that expands this energy to bring us closer.

A kindred spirit. A peaceful bond. An opening to forgiveness. A door to healing.

With each step a person takes to heal, they in one way or another will touch others' lives as they go through their journey.

**What we feel (emotionally, physically, spiritually) will have an impact on those around us, and those we may be able to help heal at the same time with our experiences.

**What we do (treatments, clinical studies, research) may guide us to become healing carriers of healthy results, extensive information, worldwide connections and resources, and bring us closer to cures.

**What we share (seeking second opinions, choosing a team of professionals, letting resources know of their compassion and strengths as our gifts) may expand all of our knowledge to make each of us better messengers and providers.

When we have each other to help us through whatever difficulties we all will face, we will never be alone.

Holding hands with you,
Colleen :-)

Monday, June 12, 2017

Every day surprises...


How joyful and happy we can be when something good takes us by surprise! Someone coming to visit unexpectedly, a hand written letter to say hello arrives in the mail, a bird stops to sing a medley of songs on the back gate like never before, or a neighbor you have noticed finally smiles at you today.

The surprises of the day can come in all sizes, yet what we do with these blessings is probably the most important part of it.  Do we take the time each of these surprises need for us to truly become a part of that moment?   Will we be able to take the joy along with us to remind us of how a surprise gift, smile, laugh or visit can bring light into our days? 

"Happiness is in the eye of the beholder".....what will you do with your surprises today?

Colleen :-)

Friday, June 9, 2017

May you always sparkle!

Have a Blooming Wonderful Day!

Allow beauty in all your days!

Shine brightly from within!

Be colorful with everything you do!
Wishing you the best always,
Colleen :-)

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Healing from Within....

It may at times seem cliché, but more and more research now is confirming that people who heal from any kind of illness or disease, have a hand in this process by healing coming from the inside of us all.

Out of thousands worldwide, one of the healers that believes this is a kahuna healer from Hawaii named Serge Kahili King, who has stated the following in the book "Radical Remission" by Kelly A Turner, Ph.D:

All power comes from within. The body heals itself. No one (ie: a healer) can take control of another person's autonomic system. It can't be done. [Healers] can, however to find their own subconsciously to find their own source and strength-so it's more like assistance. The body has the power (to heal), but there's so much tension in the way that is can't apply that power.  So, subconsciously, it's possible for (healers) to give suggestions that will help the subconscious or the body-mind to relax and stimulate its own healing powers. [Healers] might even be able to use energy to help amplify the body's normal healing powers. But the healing comes from within...It doesn't require an esoteric master at all.

So this belief, again with thousands of other healers, is that people can choose doctors or healers as helpers, but true and deep healing comes as a result of the person taking an active role in the process.

Know that you have the power within to assist your healing and by doing so, you will feel more in control of the process as you go. So research and find an option for you to incorporate into your days starting today.

Please share with me any methods you have found helpful. 

Qigong is on my calendar this week!

Happy Healing!

Colleen :-)

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


And the world will smile with you!

Today is a good day to have a good day, so let's start sharing our smiles.

Having a rough day and don't think you can do it?   "Fake it until you make it"
In other words, don't hand over your day to fear, dread or sadness.  Even if your smile is just
with you for a short time, it will lift your mood and spirit and can be the start of changing your days for the better.  Your heart will feel lighter and your body will be less stressed. 

Hoping each day from here on will bring you more and more smiles,

Colleen :-)

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Share your blessings...

"June Gloom" has hit and the area is foggy and chilled.....

But today is a day to bring warmth, kindness and sunshine into other people's lives.

Take some time to think of someone who has made an impact in your life.   Did they
guide you on a journey?  Get you in touch with a resource to help your career?  Take care of you or a family member during a difficult time?  Lend a hand or listening ear to help you?   Support a cause or dream of yours?

Whatever the blessing you received days, months or years ago, take some time today to thank them for their love.  Write a letter or make a phone call and share with this person not only how grateful you are for what they did, but how in turn they positively impacted your life for the better. Let them know that you appreciate them and the gift they gave to you.

With many blessings to you all,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Happening tonight!!....

Many of you may already have heard of the Food Revolution online that is filled with powerful and enriching information for better eating habits.  Ocean and John Robbins of Food Revolution are hosting three LIVE Online Global Healthy Eating Events.

Tonight's guest speaker is a New York Times Bestselling author and acclaimed speaker, Kris Carr.
Kris wrote "Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor.....more rebellion and fire for your healing journey" and one of her goals is to share information so that people become empowered participants in their healing journey.

With her sense of humor and a true leader of courage and inspiration, Kris Carr reaffirms that it is possible to live a real, fun, crazy, sexy life with cancer-that healing is about truly living!!

Please sign up to be a part of this live online event this evening (8:30pm Eastern time, 5:30pm Pacific time) by going to:

May it bring you further healing and happiness to share in this event!

Wishing you well,
Colleen :-)