Saturday, June 3, 2017

Share your blessings...

"June Gloom" has hit and the area is foggy and chilled.....

But today is a day to bring warmth, kindness and sunshine into other people's lives.

Take some time to think of someone who has made an impact in your life.   Did they
guide you on a journey?  Get you in touch with a resource to help your career?  Take care of you or a family member during a difficult time?  Lend a hand or listening ear to help you?   Support a cause or dream of yours?

Whatever the blessing you received days, months or years ago, take some time today to thank them for their love.  Write a letter or make a phone call and share with this person not only how grateful you are for what they did, but how in turn they positively impacted your life for the better. Let them know that you appreciate them and the gift they gave to you.

With many blessings to you all,

Colleen :-)

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