Monday, January 29, 2018

Pray for Others Always...

As we open our hearts to prayers of healing for everyone.....for we all have our challenges......know that your prayers have power and bring light into other people's lives.  Together we can heal in so many ways....and for the highest good for our world.

We are all one,

Colleen :-)

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Grow Organic....

As the demand for Organic foods grows, hopefully the prices will continue to decrease so that more people can afford to eat this way (don't we all deserve that??).
We can make a difference for ourselves and our family, by also growing some of our own foods organically, no matter how small our home and garden may be.  All it takes is some small containers, cans, etc. and sunlight to brighten your days....and shine in on your homegrown foods.
This is a great book (I am sure there are many more out there) that helps you set up your own organic garden in small places.  And you can extend it to a backyard garden if you have the room.  Start with a few items so that it doesn't seem overwhelming and enjoy the green thumb you come to develop!
Happy Growing!
Colleen :-)

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Only one reason...

Let love be the answer to all you meet and all you need.

Wishing you unconditional love always,

Colleen :-)

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Secrets to Serenity...

Shhhh.  Stop. Listen.

This is a great little book that shares various cultures from around the world and the various lessons and secrets that we need as individuals that show a multitude of ways to find CALM.

We now know that that calmer brainwaves can bring all sorts of desirable changes known as the relaxation response:  lower blood pressure, less depression, reduced diligence and fear, even a stronger brain and a healthier body.

Curious to know a few?

How about:

1. Secret: Let water wash away your worries
Tradition: River punting
Originated in:  England

2.  Secret:  Heal through rhythm
Tradition:  Djembe drumming
Originated in:  Mali

3.  Secret:  Escape Reality with play
Tradition:  Backgammon
Originated in: Egypt

4.  Secret: Be someone else for awhile
Tradition:  Masquerade ball
Originated in: Venice, Italy

Check out this great connection to relieve stress by Lonely Planet.

Happy Reading!

Colleen :-)

Monday, January 15, 2018

Love is all there is...

May this day, and all others, keep your heart free of hate.  

It is healing in so many ways...


Colleen :-)

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Daily Word...

"Prayer is not a duty or a habit, but pouring forth of the heart in gratitude for every breath, every moment of life, every experience." ~Sue Sikking

I am grateful for all of life.
"Things that happen around you, and things may happen to you, but the only things that really count are the things that happen in you."  ~ Eric Butterworth
I claim my greatness.
"After all, it is our attitude toward life that brings us joy in living." ~May Rowland
I choose an attitude of joy.
Sending healing energies to everyone, as we all are one here.
Colleen :-)

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Healing... (reposting....sorry about the last photo not showing)
Keep the faith, keep your chin up and keep moving forward......full healing is ahead of you.
With hugs and the best wishes,

Colleen :-)

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Volunteer and Give Back to Others...


Gratitude comes from giving back to others (among other things) and volunteering at an event, church function, community activity, a neighborhood get-together, etc will brighten your heart and the lives of others!
Check into your local organizations,, your city's newspaper and other resources to see where your passions and skills may be beneficial to those around you.
Enjoy the rewards that come with this work and Happy Volunteering!

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Wishing you gentle days, a grateful spirit and love always,

Colleen :-)

Sunday, January 7, 2018


As the first week of the new year wraps up, take the time to visit or call a friend and giggle the time away.  Share what may have made you laugh or tickled your funny bone this week. Being a kid at heart is healing for all involved and you never know how much your friend may need you as much as you need them.

Wishing you a gazillion smiles today!

Colleen :-)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Peace, Love and Connection...

May the day bring you calm throughout you day.

May the day bring you peace in your heart.

May the day bring you healing in all you need for today and forever.


Colleen :-)

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Moments That Count...

A new year and one to make some special, deeply memorable memories!

According to the new book "The Power of Moments" by best selling authors Chip and Dan Heath, success in life comes from doing just that.

The brothers' message is:

Birthdays, retirements, milestones and everyday events (get togethers with family, home cooked dinner with friends, etc) become more memorable with inventive thinking.

Just as we become creative with planning big events such as weddings, baby showers, etc. we truly are capable of making memories in other aspects of our life.  These can even be brief connections that jolt us, elevate us and change us.

Readers discover how brief experiences can change lives, such as the experiment in which two strangers meet in a room, and forty-five minutes later, they leave as best friends. (What happens in that time?) Or the tale of the world’s youngest female billionaire, who credits her resilience to something her father asked the family at the dinner table. (What was that simple question?)

So what moments will you create with others that will impact your life, and possibly others, forever?

Wishing you the best, 

Colleen :-)

Monday, January 1, 2018

A New Year...

Always remember that you are special and this is the year to embrace you, love you, heal you and present to you the next 365 days of precious times...enjoy every one of them!

Happy New Year!

Colleen :-)