Asking for help when you need it...
We all understand the importance of asking for help, but those who achieve big things are the ones who accept it when it's offered. Not always an easy task, but this is how we know we are taking care of ourselves in the best ways.
By providing opportunities for others to help us, we also allow them to grow and be connected to us in ways we hadn't even thought of at the time.
Some ways to ask for help are:
1. Make a list of what you need. Food shopping? Walking the dog? A listening ear?
2. Prioritize your list. Rate the importance of the items on your list from 1-10, with 10 being the most important.
3. Write another list of who can help you and include those that have already offered. Family? Friends? Neighbors?
4. Delegate tasks. Match each person on your list with a specific need. Begin to contact those on your list to see who is available and if they can help when you need it.
Remember, asking for help is nurturing your body, spirit and mind!
Blessings to those who help in any way they can,
Colleen :-)
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