Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Using Essential Oils for Health and Healing...

Essential Oils have drawn much interest from the general population over the years.  However these oils were used thousands of years ago in Chinese, Greek, Egyptian and Biblical medicine.  They continue to be used in many ways with adults, children, pets and aging parents.

In looking at Essential Oils, it is also important to look at the companies that are selling the oils.
From The Truth About Cancer (www.thetruthaboutcancer.com):

"The phytochemical (plant chemicals) make-up of an oil can vary from plant to plant, even on the same farm. Growing conditions, harvesting methods, and even the time of day that the plant is harvested can have an effect on the phytochemical content of an oil.

It is also important to underscore the need to ensure that your essential oils, particularly if you are using them for regaining your health, come from a reputable company.

Make sure the essential oils you purchase are organically grown. Be sure that the company knows how to properly distill each of the oils they sell, and that they do not use chemicals during the extraction process. A good essential oil company will also check each essential oil batch using gas chromatography to ensure that each batch has the proper phytochemical constituents. Don’t just rely on a label that says “pure.” These days, that just isn’t good enough."

To look at some of the oils and their benefits, here is a basic list to start with in your research:

1.  Lavender-used to relieve stress, reduce inflammation, help with depression

2.  Eucalyptus-used for migraines, respiratory and bacterial infections

3.  Chamomile-has antibacterial properties and can reduce inflammation and chronic pain

4.  Bergamot-used for stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue

5.  Peppermint-sharpen your focus and boost your energy

Will be adding more information to this in the coming days with ways to use Essential Oils, a further list of oils and more.

Wishing you the best always,

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Always remember...

Your enduring spirit of faith and hope will lead you to see who you truly are.....a loving person filled with courage, joy and an ever growing dream to live a meaningful and healthy life.

Take on each day with full gratitude and love!

Colleen :-)

Friday, January 13, 2017

Lift others and Rise...

With a new friend headed into surgery today, it is important to remember that we all have our challenges and there are none better or worse than the others.  So giving support, healing thoughts and prayers will bring her the positive hugs that she needs as she takes this next step towards full health.

What is important to remember is that giving to others actually also lifts us and helps us heal!

As advice from the author Suzy Toronto has said:

"Just let go of the idea that we need to climb somewhere or something, and concentrate on lifting and inspiring others along their journey.  When we stop focusing on ourselves, we end up finding extraordinary joy in watching their dreams (and I will add hopes) take flight.

And here's the best part. in the process they become the 'wind beneath our wings.' We effortlessly float to the top and find ourselves soaring higher than ever before.  The ride is a blast and the view is amazing.

So inspire, uplift and empower others.  It is the secret to true and lasting greatness." (www.suzytoronto.com)

May your hugs, love and support lift those around you today, and everyday!

Colleen :-)

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Our pets...

If you are honored with having any pets, then you know the blessings they bring into our lives.  An unconditional love that comes with wet kisses, tail wagging excitement and possibly a furry companion to cuddle up with at any time. Big or small, running to us or swimming in a tank, pets bring love to us, and others, in many ways.

Animal companions are our teachers and healers.  Whether a pet is a service animal for their owners, or visits patients in hospitals, or makes a child smile, a pet's loyalty and devotion to us is awesome.
They calm our souls and warm our hearts no matter what may be going on in our lives.

They may help us become more mindful of things around us, along with the beauty of all our animals on this earth.

Take time today to give thanks for the wonderful pets you may have in your lives, or those that you know.

Warm and blessed hugs,

Colleen :-)

Monday, January 9, 2017

Be in the moment.....

Needing to have some time and space in my head, the beach was calling to me yesterday.

The sunset was amazing and brought me right to the present moment. It meant so much for me to sit there and take in all the beauty, peace and joy that was waiting for me to immerse myself in only that place.  What a gift!

What is your "go to" spot for today that will bring you to sit quietly and listen to life around you?

May you find a place to relax, mediate and enjoy each day!

Warmest wishes,
Colleen :-)

Monday, January 2, 2017

Make Each Day Extraordinary!

Believe with all your heart that if you want to have an incredible day, it is your responsibility to make that happen.  I know it may not always seem possible to do as you wake in the morning. But take a few minutes before getting out of bed for a last stretch, a check in with your attitude and put on a smile even when it may seemed forced.

And thank God for the day with all the love you have in your heart. And get your feet grounded to the earth and enjoy the day!

This kind of attitude I believe is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure and one that can make a difference in your healing.  So give it a try and make it part of your resolutions for 2017!

Happy New Year!

In health and healing,

Colleen :-)