Thursday, January 12, 2017

Our pets...

If you are honored with having any pets, then you know the blessings they bring into our lives.  An unconditional love that comes with wet kisses, tail wagging excitement and possibly a furry companion to cuddle up with at any time. Big or small, running to us or swimming in a tank, pets bring love to us, and others, in many ways.

Animal companions are our teachers and healers.  Whether a pet is a service animal for their owners, or visits patients in hospitals, or makes a child smile, a pet's loyalty and devotion to us is awesome.
They calm our souls and warm our hearts no matter what may be going on in our lives.

They may help us become more mindful of things around us, along with the beauty of all our animals on this earth.

Take time today to give thanks for the wonderful pets you may have in your lives, or those that you know.

Warm and blessed hugs,

Colleen :-)

1 comment:

  1. Not being politically correct but the expression "Man's best friend" needs a correction. A families best friend applies.
