Friday, January 13, 2017

Lift others and Rise...

With a new friend headed into surgery today, it is important to remember that we all have our challenges and there are none better or worse than the others.  So giving support, healing thoughts and prayers will bring her the positive hugs that she needs as she takes this next step towards full health.

What is important to remember is that giving to others actually also lifts us and helps us heal!

As advice from the author Suzy Toronto has said:

"Just let go of the idea that we need to climb somewhere or something, and concentrate on lifting and inspiring others along their journey.  When we stop focusing on ourselves, we end up finding extraordinary joy in watching their dreams (and I will add hopes) take flight.

And here's the best part. in the process they become the 'wind beneath our wings.' We effortlessly float to the top and find ourselves soaring higher than ever before.  The ride is a blast and the view is amazing.

So inspire, uplift and empower others.  It is the secret to true and lasting greatness." (

May your hugs, love and support lift those around you today, and everyday!

Colleen :-)

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