Unexpected Good...
As we go through our every day routines, we are sometimes caught up in everything happening along the way as it usually does, that we can even miss some of the Unexpected Good in our lives.
These don't need to be huge events or surprises, but can be even those small blessings that may make us smile, belly laugh, share something with a friend, have a lighter step in our walk, hug a family member or just plain make us feel good inside.
What are some of the Unexpected Good we may need to pay better attention to in our days?
* A neighbor waves with a bright smile just for you
* A flock of geese fly overhead squawking with one another to say hello
* The roses smell exceptionally beautiful
* Children run by giggling and their laughs become contagious
* A waiter brings a complimentary drink to add to the taste of your food
* A friend asks in what way can they help you today
* The clerk at the store goes out of his/her way to assist you
* A walk down the street brings sunshine and warmth on your back....and in your heart
I am sure your list would have even more Unexpected Good, so make a mental note of what your list would contain.
Today is the time to really start noticing all of it!
With goodness and hugs to you,
Colleen :-)
Take a quiet walk on the beach and watch the sun set. It's a time for reflection and best of all, it's free.