Monday, December 26, 2016

World Peace....

Taken from the DailyWord:

"Words have power, so I select mine with care. If I find myself in a situation where there is contention or discord, I center myself before entering the conversation.  Centered in God, I speak words that build up, that reinforce self-esteem, that inspire positive outcomes.

Every positive thought, every optimistic statement, every constructive activity I take part in contributes blessings of peace and goodwill in the world.  As I do what is mine to do, I know that others around the world are doing what is theirs to do.

Peace in the world begins with peace in my heart, harmony in my words, and goodwill in my intentions"

May your gifts of peace and joy fill the hearts of others today and always,

Colleen :-)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah!

May your holiday gifts be ones of smiles, laughter, family, friends and fun!

As we head into 2017, a special prayer for full healing to each and everyone of you!

In faith and with much gratitude,

Colleen :-)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Photos of a winter day...

Want to give yourself the gift of happiness?

Head outdoors in your neighborhood (or yard if you can't go far) and look for the blessings that nature gives us everyday.

Enjoy taking photos of them and be grateful for whatever they may have sparked in you!

Happy Exploring!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Having fun?

Did you dance yet today?  Sing?  Jump for Joy?  Belly laugh?
If yes, then fantastic!   And keep it up!
If no, then it's not too late!
What fun are you putting into your life today?
Wishing you laughs and happiness in every one of your days,

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Your mind is a powerful tool....


Going through such trauma and shock can throw us all into a whirlwind of emotions.  But as you experience these difficult times, it is important (no matter what stage of healing you are in) to make sure to keep your thoughts in check.  This is so crucial to you getting better and your body not going through further stress.

Often anxiety, anger, hurt takes over our thoughts while dealing with issues, but in dealing with your health, this is even more important for you to take time to acknowledge your feelings and be very aware of the thoughts you are putting in your own mind...
...Because YOUR BODY is listening and will react to the way you are processing these emotions.

As I have read, when we are experiencing negative energy with anxiety, anger, hurt, etc. our bodies will go into a "fight or flight" mode.  Either wanting to lash out, or become extremely anxious and/or depressed, we are giving ourselves the message that things are not good. And our bodies feel that throughout all our systems.

In turn, whether we are stressed over a mouse running across the floor in front of us, or a lion is sitting in front of us, the chemistry of our bodies reacts in the same way, making it much harder to cope and heal. So stress has an incredible effect on everyone.

So what can you do to help yourself with this?

1. The number one thing to start today is having GRATITUDE.  By literally counting our daily blessings and making a verbal or written note (journaling) of them, we start to see how many things are good in our days no matter what might be happening in our lives. Do it daily when you wake.

2. Try meditation, yoga or anything you are comfortable with that will give you some focus on you and your life.  This is a time to be still and listen to everything your body (not your mind...let that go right by during this time) is telling you.

3.  Call someone when the anxiety feels like too much.  Chat on the phone, go for a walk to get out in the air, or whatever makes you feel better.

4.  Have a time set (maximum 10 mins) for each day where you experience the negative parts of your day, your health, etc.  Sitting and dwelling on it all day long does not change anything and truly makes your health worse. (emotionally and physically)

5.  Exercise in whatever way you can. Move around your house if you can't go out, swing your legs and arms while sitting in a chair.  Can be outside?   Then again, walk, swim, hike, etc.  (see my previous post about Trampolining)

6. We suffer more in imagination than in reality (Seneca), so get a grasp on your thoughts and choose love.  By doing this, you will be teaching and training your mind to think in a calm and compassionate mode no matter what.  You will literally see a difference in your body and the way you react to things. Imagine choosing love over all of those negative feelings you hold?  What would your body look like and how would it react if you started doing that today?

7.  Read "The Biology of Our Beliefs"  (some of it is very scientific but it is an essential book).   Written by Dr. Bruce Lipton, Through the research of Dr. Lipton, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which our cells receive information. You can also view him on YouTube and I would highly suggest it for everyone.

8. Pray. And pray some more.  Our connections with what is important to us individually will keep our faith and emotions in the right place.

This all takes work, but I know YOU CAN DO IT!

Keep healing and stay positive,
Colleen :-)