Saturday, December 30, 2017

Self Nurturing and De-Stressing into 2018...

(**Thank you to for the following information)
The relaxation response can only kick in when a person feels safe, supported, and balanced.
To get here, you must learn the tools that will become a part of your everyday life.
Here are a few quick, easy tips you can use when you are in the “thick of it” as well as a few techniques to cultivate the relaxation response over time:
#1: EFT. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and is also known as “tapping.” Tapping has been shown to drastically reduce stress responses in a very short amount of time. It is a form of kinesthetic and verbal stress management that calms the stress responses by “tapping” on key meridian points along the face and chest.
#2: Breath Many studies have shown that deep breathing can calm the nervous system within minutes. Think about the last time you were really stressed out. Was your breathing shallow or long and slow? Were you holding your breath without realizing it? Simply taking a few minutes to consciously breathe (slowly and calmly) tells your body that you are safe and all is well.
#3: Drink Some Water. Dehydration can be part of the vicious cycle that occurs with chronic stress. While not drinking enough water can exacerbate stress signals, being in “chronic stress” mode can also lead to dehydration, say experts.
#4: Let Essential Oils Help You. Lavender, peppermint, and frankincense are all amazingly effective essential oils that have been proven to help relieve stress. Lavender can help calm the nervous system. Peppermint can stimulate balanced energy, especially if rubbed on the temples or the back of the neck using a carrier oil like jojoba. Finally, frankincense can help to lower inflammation as well as help you to “center.”
#5: Take a Walk. Getting your body moving even just a little at least once a day can help keep your stress responses down and help to level out your mood. A study at Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland, found that regular exercise helped even out depression and fatigue for participants after just one week.
#6: Stick to Your Budget. Making a budget and sticking to it can be a great practice for calming financial stress which, according to the Health Line study, is the leading cause of overall holiday stress. While you may have overspent during the holidays, take some time now to ensure your 2018 budget is realistic for you.
#7: Practice Visualization. Visualization is a meditative practice in which you actively imagine the outcome, situation and, most importantly, the feeling you want to experience. It might sound a bit woo-woo but evidence-based research around visualization says that it works when done correctly.
Give yourself the gift of self-nurturing and healing this year by purposely engaging in activities that can help your body turn on the relaxation response instead of the stress response.
Moving into the new year with tools to use for stress and taking even better care of myself,
Colleen :-)

Friday, December 29, 2017

We must...

"We must be willing to let go of the life we had planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

~Joseph Campbell

Wishing you the strength to let go of all you need to as we finish up 2017.  God and the love around you is already working in your favor for the new year and the wonderful miracles it holds for you.


Colleen :-)

Thursday, December 28, 2017

The New Year is Upon Us...

2018 is right around the corner.  Take some time in the next few days to sit over a cup of tea and look at where you have been and all you have done this year. 

What have been your sweetest times?    Have more of those in the new year.

What have been your most peaceful moments?   Create more of those in the new year.

How has your health been with the life style you have lead?   Take the positive and build further on that in the new year.

Who has made you laugh and supported you in whatever you needed?  Grab their hands and spend more time in the new year.

What creative projects, ideas, services have you been involved in?   Grow these further in the new year.

What do you need to leave behind you as you enter the new year?   Write them down and later burn your list to let it go, collect memorabilia that brings negative energy into your life each time you see it and donate it to a local thrift store, etc. Continue to do this in the new year and make it a habit to let go of that energy you don't need in your life.

What feelings are the happiest for you?   Write them down on separate pieces of paper and find a nice jar or bowl to put them in.  On any down days next year, take one of the feelings out and remember what made you feel that way before.  See if there is anything in 2018 that has also made you feel that way.  Fill your heart with these positive feelings and energy.

The new year is here for us to embrace and live to its fullest!

Wishing you the best,

Colleen :-)

Monday, December 25, 2017

With best wishes...

Praying your holiday has been peaceful and your heart has been filled with yet another day of joy, gratitude and healing.


Colleen :-)

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Getting ready for the holiday...

May your days be merry and bright.....and may you have the time to also rest, reflect and take in the love of those around you now and going forward.

Happy Holidays from the sand and surf I call home!

Colleen :-)

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Make every day count for all it was meant to be to you!

Living to the fullest,

Colleen :-)

Friday, December 22, 2017


"Live each day as if your life had just begun"

-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe       

Hoping your days are renewed each day with gratitude and love....for that's all there is.

Colleen :-)  

PS....don't forget to wake each morning with a thank you for all the good in your life               

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The toxins in washing our clothes....(Part II)

As I continue researching and learning more about the toxins our washing machines are causing because of the microscopic fibers going into 83% of the world's drinking water, I am floored by how big this issue has become.

As individuals trying to improve this, we can:

1. Drink filtered water.  Although this does not get out all of the microscopic pieces, it will help.

2. Become more aware of the issue and keep updated on changes occurring, such as products being made to be used in our washing machines.

3. Using these products to help reduce the plastic pollution (see information below about some things being worked on for individual use)

4. Washing our clothes less.  Often times we feel something we have worn is dirty, but truthfully could it be worn at least another time before being washed?

5. Contacting your local water supplies to let them know you are aware of this issue and asking that they become more aware and develop ways to improve the plastic pollution in our drinking water.

6.  Research and create ways (and share them if they work) to help our environment with this problem.

7. Share this information with others please!

A big thank you to for the following info:

Time to take action

Mark Browne, the researcher responsible for first bringing microfibers to public attention, said that the grace period is over.
“We know that these are the most abundant forms of debris – that they are in the environment,” Brown said. He added that government and industry must be asked to explain “what they are going to be doing about it”.
The Amsterdam-based Plastic Soup Foundation, an ocean conservation project co-funded by the European Union, said better quality clothing or fabrics coated with an anti-shed treatment could help.
The foundation’s director, Maria Westerbos, said a nanoball that could be thrown into a washing machine to attract and capture plastic fibers also seems promising.
Another solution may lie with waterless washing machines, one of which is being developed by Colorado-based Tersus Solutions. Tersus, with funding from Patagonia, has developed a completely waterless washing machine in which textiles are washed in pressurized carbon dioxide.
Others suggest a filter on home washing machines. More than 4,500 fibers can be released per gram of clothing per wash, according to preliminary data from the Plastic Soup Foundation.
But the washing machine industry is not yet ready to act. Jill Notini, vice president of communications and marketing for the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, said the washing machine could very well be a source of microfiber debris, but that the proposed solutions are impractical.
“How do you possibly retrofit all of the units that are in the market and then add a filter in and talk to consumers and say, ‘Here is a new thing that you’re going to have to do with your clothes washer?’”
She added that the industry still has trouble getting people to clean lint from the filters in their dryers.
For Plastic Soup’s Westerbos, the reluctance of the industries that operate in that crucial place between the consumer and the world’s waterways can no longer be tolerated.
“It’s really insulting that they say it’s not their problem,” Westerbos said. “It’s their problem, too. It’s everybody’s problem.”

It's definitely time for us to take action in any way we can!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The fibers in our drinking water worldwide...

My last blog focused on how our clothing is made with toxins. I wanted to share with you the newest information on toxins (plastic fibers) that are showing up in our drinking water, some of it through our water supply through machine washing our clothes.

According to Orb Media, a report was published in September of this year and the following information is from :

83 percent of drinking water samples worldwide tested positive for microscopic plastic fibers.
Tiny plastic fibers or “microfibers” have been found in the far corners of the world – in the oceans, in remote lakes and rivers, in fish, salt, and honey, and in the air we breathe. But until now one research area – our drinking water – remained unexamined.

According to new research published by Orb Media, tap water and plastic bottled water in cities on five continents is contaminated with microscopic plastic fibers.Scientists say they don’t know how these fibers reach household taps, or what their health risks might be, but experts suspect plastic fibers may transfer toxic chemicals when consumed by animals and humans.

The news about plastic microfibers in our drinking water comes on the heels of a study by Plastic Soup Foundation (PSF) published in May 2017, showing microfibers in plankton, both farmed and wild mussels, sea salt, and even honey.

According to PSF, microfibers can enter our water supply through machine washing synthetic clothing such as fleece, polyester, and nylon. “It appears that 34.8 percent of primary microplastics released by machine washing synthetic clothes ultimately ends up in the environment," explained Maria Westerbos, director of Plastic Soup Foundation.

Clothing fibers are often too small to be filtered out at wastewater treatment plants and are discharged into streams, rivers, lakes, and eventually the ocean. 

These numbers are staggering. Many of us have been unaware of our everyday task of washing clothes having such an effect on our drinking water.

What can we do as individuals to help with this?   Check in on my next blog to read more please....

Keeping up with ways to keep us healthier and healing,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, December 14, 2017

It's time to care about what you wear...

If you don’t think that what you wear has an impact on the environment, it’s time to get your facts straight. The clothing industry is now the second largest polluter in the world. They are contaminating our soil, polluting our water on a global scale and decimating marine life.

To make matters worse, nonorganic cotton may expose you to potentially heavy doses of toxins.

How Clothing is Made with Toxic Chemicals

During the production of clothes, toxic chemicals are used in almost every step. Synthetic fabrics are dyed with man-made chemical dying agents, fabrics doused with toxins that make them immune to biodegradation, and many clothes contain buttons and accessories that contain known endocrine disruptors. Phthalates, for example, are sometimes found in buttons, and just a few of these worn on a person could, over time, contribute to hormonal imbalance. Common synthetic fabrics like nylon and acrylic are extremely toxic to the body and the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that inhalation of acrylonitrile, the main chemical compound used to produce acrylic fibers, shows carcinogenic potential via inhalation.

Formaldehyde is essentially “baked” into fabric to make it resistant to wrinkling, which is bad news because research shows that this chemical is a human carcinogen. While it’s nice to save time and not have to iron your slacks, at what cost is this convenience factor to our future health? Nonylphenols are another class of endocrine disruptors used in some dying applications, and we’re now detecting levels of this chemical in our water. It is painstakingly clear that, for the future of our health and our planet, we must advocate for a change in the way our clothing is produced. Otherwise, we will be faced with a silent environmental and health crisis, one that may take decades to overcome.

Ways You Can Produce Change

Just as with any health movement, one of the most substantial ways to assist change is to “vote with your pocketbook.” In other words, support companies that produce organic, natural clothing as much as possible. Look for clothes made from bamboo, organic cotton, or flax, and always choose clothes produced using natural dyes. Write to your favorite clothing manufacturers to inquire what they are doing to reduce their reliance on chemicals in their clothing production. Fortunately, choosing clothes made with natural fibers is becoming easier, and the more we support these companies, the faster we will see a change in the clothing industry.

(thank you to for this information)

The more we become aware of health and environmental issues that impact each of us in so many ways, the more we are empowered to make change for the better!
Thinking of you,
Colleen :-)

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

We are all one...

May joy, peace and gratitude overflow in your hearts so that you have plenty to share with others!

Happy Holidays,

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Bring out the child in you today...

Don't forget to play, sing, skip and jump for joy today!!
May peace be with you in all your days,
Colleen :-)

Monday, December 11, 2017

Be Brave...

Wanted to share a new book that's come out by Annie F. Downs. 
She is known as an Author, Speaker and Loud Laugher!

Annie is also the author of Looking for Lovely, a book about the power of perseverance,  Let’s All Be Brave, a book for men and women about the power we each have to make a difference on this planet. She also has two books for teens: Perfectly Unique, a spiritual growth book for high school and college girls, and Speak Love, a challenge to women on how to use their words to make a difference in the world.

By weaving together personal stories, humor, and Scripture, she invites those reading to experience fulfilled lives with a God who made them on purpose and loves them deeply.

Check out her website at:

Sending brave thoughts and prayers to all,

Colleen :-)

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Oh so grateful!!...

What an amazing and wonderful job the firefighters who live here in Southern California, and all the others that have traveled from different parts of the USA,  have done to save our homes and our lives.  Through the dark smoke that continues and the embers that burn, these brave souls have worked day and night throughout an extensive area covering hundreds and hundreds of miles to bring safety and stability back to our communities.

If I could, I would gather them up in one big incredible hug to thank them over and over again for their service.

What blessings we have in our lives that people care so much about us!

With love and heart-filled gratitude,

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Today is the day to fly...

Catch your breath and sit down to write what it is you truly want to fulfill during this wonderful life of yours.  List who will support you through this and write them a note/text/etc to let them know how they can help you with these goals.  Journal your days and plans so you can reflect on what is working and what may not.
And then LEAP!   Go for it!  Take it all in!  Be Brave!  Put on your wings and go!
With both feet flying,

Colleen :-)

Monday, December 4, 2017

Monday, November 27, 2017

Keep your heart open....

May you have many people walk into your heart to give you just what you need....


Colleen :-)

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Drinking healthier coffee....

I have listed the link below to Robyn Openshaw, the Green Smoothie Girl's youtube on how to simply make your coffee experience healthy.

In summary:

1.  Use only organic coffee beans.
Drinking coffee outside your home usually means having cheap coffee beans that contain pesticides. According to Robyn, coffee beans are the most pesticide and herbicide sprayed product in the world.

2.  Use organic coconut milk for your creamer.  The other non-dairy and diary creamers bought in the stores, or used in coffee shops, contain synthetic flow agents that are bad for our health.

3.  Use flavored liquid drops of Stevia (also come in organic) for your sweetener.  Many of the sweeteners available are super processed and some times contain genetically modified sugars.

To learn more, watch this 5 minute video:

Grabbing my hot mug of organic coffee now,

Colleen :-)

Friday, November 24, 2017

NIA dancing....and healing...

(info from

What a loving, energizing and joyful way to get in touch with our internal spirit!

Developed for everyone on all levels, Nia combines dance, martial arts and mindfulness, Nia tones your body while transforming your mind. More than just a workout, Nia is a holistic fitness practice addressing each aspect of your life - body, mind and soul.

Nia believe every person can discover, explore, unleash, and enhance their individual potential to live a healthy and meaningful life by engaging their senses and listening to their bodies.

Nia is based on the intelligent design of the body. Each workout brings mindfulness to your dance movement experience leaving you energized, mentally clear, and emotionally balanced.

Nia cardio-dance workouts combine 52 simple moves with dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to get you fit in 60 minutes - body, mind, emotion, and spirit.

Nia is non-impact, practiced barefoot, and adaptable to individual needs and abilities. Nia classes are taught by licensed Nia teachers.

My class today was "Move to Heal" and involved every part of my body and soul.  Absolutely wonderful!

For more information and to locate a Nia class near you, go to

Happy Dancing!

Colleen :-)

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Grateful for so much...

No matter how rough the road may be, the blessings we have are the gifts to our hearts.

May you be filled with all that is good and healing!

Happy Thanksgiving,

Colleen :-)

Saturday, November 18, 2017

What doctors need to know...

After discussing recent doctor appointments with a various group of patients, I feel compelled to share their comments:

1.  Please allow me to participate in decisions made about my care, or at least ask me how I feel about what you are suggesting.

2.  I know you are truly overwhelmed with your work, but so am I with my health at times. So take the extra minutes to sit and look directly into my eyes.  They may show you more of my feelings than the words I am expressing and I need to know you are listening.

3.  I live with myself all the time. I know what hurts and what makes me feel better.  Discuss these so we can find more ways together for my healing and comfort.

4.  Whatever you can do to see that I don't have to wait extra time for other medical referrals, please let me know so I can assist in expediting that.

4.  If I have consulted with other medical staff outside of yours, take it as a gift to adding to your knowledge for hundreds of patients ahead of me.  Research it and let me know next time how much you appreciate me sharing this info, or discuss your opinions of what has been shared.

5.  When I have called you and/or emailed you to let you know I have concerns or am worried about medical information I have received, please do not email me.  Call me and let me know I have your support and can hear your voice. My anxiety will be growing throughout the day and evening until we can talk, so please don't hesitate to call me any time of the day or night.

6.  Connect with me in whatever ways you can.  We are in this together and you are part of my team. Caring and kindness can make miracles.

Please email me with any other suggestions you may have and I will see to add them in a later blog post.


Colleen :-)

Thursday, November 16, 2017

In all aspects of our lives, forgiveness is what heals us.  Heals our hearts and our souls. Heals our health issues and allows us to be free. Heals our community and our world.
What are you still holding on to that hurts, angers or stresses you?  What can you do today to begin to let go of what may be in your way? 
Now is the time to journal, paint, or in any way state those issues that you hang on to each day and plant the seeds of joy and peace with each new day.
What will you do in this moment to make your heart sing?
Let go and forgive,

Colleen :-)

Monday, November 13, 2017

We all need Hope...

We are all in this together.  Always remember to reach out and let others know that you are there for them and that yes, everything will be okay.

With hope and care,

Colleen :-)

Friday, November 10, 2017

Faith and Trust...

No matter what challenges you may be facing right now, remember that God is always there for you.

With hope and hugs,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Healing and Sleep...

We are so fast paced these days and our time is spent with only so many hours in a day.
But for all we are trying to do and get done, we forget what we truly need......more sleep!
Many of us are not getting the sleep we should have (8 hours is the suggested amount per night) and in turn, this breaks down our immune system, making us vulnerable to illness, autoimmune disease and more.  
In addition, sleep helps our bodies heal and we need to nurture ourselves to get the rest we need.
So make sure to fluff your pillows and have blankets that make you comfy.  Perhaps have a diffuser with some lavender oil to relax you more. Add a few live plants in the room for further health benefits.
Jump into bed.  Breathe, relax, let your mind wander. Close your eyes and sleep the hours away.
Sweet dreams,
Colleen :-)

Monday, November 6, 2017

A Growing Heart...

How big is your heart?  

How much did your neighbor's hug, the cashier's smile, the baby's cooing, the teacher's joke or the boss' laugh fill your heart today?

As your heart grows with gratitude and warmth, your life will heal in ways you never could have imagined.

So today's lesson is it's always good to let some "Pooh" in your life.

Smiling and blessed with an ever growing heart,

Colleen :-)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Our path to the best life...

White Oak Savanna Park 

When we walk along the path of our life without fear and with great gratitude for those in our lives, we walk through beauty and peace, no matter what our challenges may be.

The air that we breathe fills our lungs with newness and rejuvenation.  Our hearts beat with strength and hope.  Our steps along the path are lighter and bring us smiles upon all that we see....and all those we meet along the way.

We have no fear.  We refuse to give it power.

We love and we are loved.

This is the path of true living........

Sharing your journey,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Peace Rocks...

The energy in the air is connective and compassionate and it is important to remember how much we need one another.

The main way we can do this is through peace and gratitude for each person we hold close to us, and all others beyond that too.

As Ellen DeGeneres says every day
, "Be Kind to One Another."

Wishing you peace and spreading kindness daily,

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Be the One...

It just takes one person to make a difference in someone's life.
Why not each of us?
Reaching out to those who need it most,

Colleen :-)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Keep your mind open to being creative....

Our minds can be open to anything as long as we believe in ourselves and live without fear.

What can you do to open your mind to being creative as possible?

Currently, how do you use your mind?   Maybe these are some ways:

*  To make decisions
*  To inform, teach, share
*  To absorb further learning
*  To keep track of dates, events, appointments
*  To stay healthy

With the above, creativity can develop when we expand on what we learn and experience.

How would you like to use your mind better?  Maybe for the following:

*  To see things clearer and know what you would like for yourself and others around you
*  To reassure yourself that everything will be okay and share your knowledge with others
*  To gain more pleasure from reading, the arts, and share that with your community
*  To be more creative in ________  (you add what you would like to do)

As an exercise and an example, choose one of your senses to expand upon and get creative.

First, how do you use this sense daily?   (I will use Taste as the example)

* For survival and to keep my health up

* To make sure I get the nutrients I need

* To eat a limited diet for health reasons

But how could you use this sense better with your creative mind?

* For pleasure and to enjoy tastes that I have not experienced through new recipes

* To share these new foods with others and cook them together with friends, family, etc.

* To get a better sense of eating healthy, that is also creative and varies tastes and meals

Try this with your other senses on different days and start getting more creative with your daily experiences!

Have fun!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, October 29, 2017

What If...

May today bring you that much closer to your dreams!

Hugs from a traveling dreamer,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Heavy Sighs...

We often will hold in those things that bother us throughout our day.  Keeping emotions inside and not venting, nor releasing these stressors or irritants, can effect our health and our thoughts.

However, in Qigong, it is encouraged that we actually let out heavy sighs during our days, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth and making a noise to go with it (moaning, grunting, soft sighs, etc. with whatever feels good and comfortable for you)

This release lets us "empty" our bodies of the emotional toxins we keep in and you are encouraged to do this 10 -15 times a day along your daily routine.

Give it a try and you will begin to see the difference in your body (less tension and possibly aches) and your mind will start to feel clearer as well.  Another way of taking care of yourself with your own energy.

Happy Sighing!

Colleen :-)

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Planting Seeds of Greatness in Others...

By Joel Osteen:

"Very often, we see potential in other people that they can't see in themselves.  When you speak vision into them, when you tell them what they can become, you can help set the direction for their life.  Your words have the power to push people into their divine destiny.

I believe that the reason some people are not living at their full potential is because no one has ever spoken faith into them.  No one has taken the time to say, 'Hey, you're  great at this.  You've got a gift here.  You're going to do something amazing.'

I believe that one of our assignments in life is to call out the seeds of greatness in other people.  Look around at who God has placed in your life.  They're not there by accident.  Take time to study them. See what they're good at.  What are their gifts?  What do they excel at?  Don't just think about it, speak vision into them.

Tell them what they can become.  Let your encouragement ignite greatness on the inside.  Help them rise up in confidence so they can be all God has called them to be!"

We are all born with the ability to change someone's life, so take the opportunity to do so now!

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Warning on Sprouts' Organic Flaxseed...

This is not something I usually would post, but just the other day I purchased this product and when I went to use it I happened to see the warning on it.  I was shocked to see this on a food product!

I brought it back to Sprouts and the manager had no idea what chemical could possibly be in there, especially since this is labeled "organic." She was going to research it further.

This is a good lesson for all of us to read the labels extra carefully.

Wishing you a happy and healthy day!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Recharging your kidneys....

What is one thing we can't live without?   You may have thought water, food, etc.

But truly, one thing we can't go without for longer than possibly a few minutes, is oxygen.

And our kidneys contain cells that produce oxygen for our red blood cells (along with producing the hormone EPO. Once made, EPO acts on red blood cells to protect them from destruction).

In Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the Root of Life and contain storage cells for longevity, resilience and health, including our energy levels.

So how can we recharge our kidneys every day?

There is a deep breathing exercise that anyone can do, any where, each day that will bring in more oxygen to the kidneys and here are the steps:

1.  Through your nose, breathe in your deepest breath.  Fill your chest cavity and with this your spine will straighten and fill even more.

2.  From this breath, as you stretch your chest area and back with this new fresh air, now continue to fill your belly area beneath the belly button. Let the air expand your stomach area. In turn this expands your lower back.

3.  Breathe out from your nose so that this healing, healthy air stays within you, emptying out the air from your belly area once again.

4.  Repeat several times.

This recharging exercise can be done throughout your days and is a healthy benefit for everyone!

Happy deep breathing!

Colleen :-)

Friday, October 13, 2017

Thought for today...

May the weekend bring you all the happiness to thrive!

Colleen :-)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time....
                             -Bertrand Russell


Whatever it may be that makes you happy, relaxed and gives you time to catch your breath, enjoy it! So many times we think we are not being productive and are wasting time because we didn't get one more thing done on our forever "to do" list.
But how precious is our time......too precious not to enjoy putting our feet up, taking a long, warm bath, sitting at the beach and just staring at the horizon to daydream, calling a friend to just laugh an hour away, napping in the afternoon, and so much more.
Enjoy your days with relaxation intertwined in each of them!
With my feet up and sun shining on my back,

Colleen :-)


Monday, October 9, 2017


I am free to think wonderful thoughts.

I move beyond past limitations into freedom.

I am now becoming all that I am created to be.

I am at peace.

I am safe.

I am happy.

I am free.

Loving thoughts,

Colleen :-)

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Love Heals Us All...

 (taken from the Daily Word for today)


I relax into the infinite stream of divine life, and I am healed.

There is a universal flow of wholeness, an inexhaustible and irrevocable stream of life, in which I live, move, and have my being. As I close my eyes and relax into the remembrance of this Truth, I feel the sweet ecstasy of bathing in divine love.

The indwelling Presence of God is my true identity. As waves of well-being gently wash over me, they draw out any anxiety, sadness, fear, and all beliefs in lack and limitation that have been cluttering my perception. My mind and heart are restored to the awareness of divine life.

Love heals.

Love frees me from any suffering that I might have been experiencing in mind, body, or spirit. Love restores me to a deep faith in God’s infinite presence, power, and peace. Resting in Love’s curative, life-giving waters, I am refreshed and revitalized.

I am healed.

With love,
Colleen :-)


Thursday, October 5, 2017

The 2017 Live Event starts today....

The Truth About Cancer's annual event starts now!  Here is the info to see the schedule of speakers and presentations, along with having access to all of them for free...

We’re starting!

The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017 is about to start broadcasting Live right here!

You won't want to miss the opening ceremony with me, Ty Bollinger, my wife Charlene, and TTAC co-founder Jonathan Hunsaker...

After that we have Patrick Quillin delivering a powerful keynote titled: “Beating Cancer with Nutrition”.

CLICK HERE to watch now

Want to know about all the other speakers and presentations broadcasting live today?

When you visit the page above you can see the full schedule and break-out sessions.

Come and join us, we’re all waiting for you :-)

See you there,

Ty Bollinger

P.S. Feel free to share this with anyone you think will benefit from this powerful information.

In the meantime, go here to watch the LIVE broadcast now.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Simplest....

...most ordinary things make life extraordinary!!
In helping and healing, take time to enjoy all the moments of your life, with gratitude and love.
Bring laughter, music, nature and everything that makes you smile & glow into your life.
Extend it to others through prayers, support, calls, emails, etc. so that we all stay connected.
Love is all there is.
In peace,

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

So few words....

With tragedy coming so very close this week (a very young friend of a friend is gone), it is an overwhelming feeling for all of us to think we are on a planet of beauty and love at this time.

But our hearts always remain with one another no matter what we may go through and more than ever, it is up to us to reach out to help in any way, with anyone, who may need our support, near or far.

With the pain our country and communities are experiencing, may you and your families be safe.  May you find peace in much of the kindness that truly continues to surround us in all our blessings.

With Light and love,

Colleen :-)

Monday, September 25, 2017

Friendship, Relationship, Love...

Have you taken the time today to let your friend, lover, spouse, child, etc.  know how much they mean to you?    How grateful you are for them being in your life?  How much their support and caring feeds your soul and fills you with joy?

Take the time now, or as soon as you can, to let them know.  It is this gift that will bring you both the moment of being here and now.....the stillness of pure love and caring for one another...the knowing that this is what life is all about for you.

Have a great day!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, September 24, 2017

You are loved...

Let these words be your anchor for courage and hope.

Remember that you are loved....unconditionally and more than you know.

You are strong, you are brave, you are beautiful.

You are loved. You are loved. You are loved.

With hugs,

Colleen :-)