Monday, December 26, 2016

World Peace....

Taken from the DailyWord:

"Words have power, so I select mine with care. If I find myself in a situation where there is contention or discord, I center myself before entering the conversation.  Centered in God, I speak words that build up, that reinforce self-esteem, that inspire positive outcomes.

Every positive thought, every optimistic statement, every constructive activity I take part in contributes blessings of peace and goodwill in the world.  As I do what is mine to do, I know that others around the world are doing what is theirs to do.

Peace in the world begins with peace in my heart, harmony in my words, and goodwill in my intentions"

May your gifts of peace and joy fill the hearts of others today and always,

Colleen :-)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah!

May your holiday gifts be ones of smiles, laughter, family, friends and fun!

As we head into 2017, a special prayer for full healing to each and everyone of you!

In faith and with much gratitude,

Colleen :-)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Photos of a winter day...

Want to give yourself the gift of happiness?

Head outdoors in your neighborhood (or yard if you can't go far) and look for the blessings that nature gives us everyday.

Enjoy taking photos of them and be grateful for whatever they may have sparked in you!

Happy Exploring!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Having fun?

Did you dance yet today?  Sing?  Jump for Joy?  Belly laugh?
If yes, then fantastic!   And keep it up!
If no, then it's not too late!
What fun are you putting into your life today?
Wishing you laughs and happiness in every one of your days,

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Your mind is a powerful tool....


Going through such trauma and shock can throw us all into a whirlwind of emotions.  But as you experience these difficult times, it is important (no matter what stage of healing you are in) to make sure to keep your thoughts in check.  This is so crucial to you getting better and your body not going through further stress.

Often anxiety, anger, hurt takes over our thoughts while dealing with issues, but in dealing with your health, this is even more important for you to take time to acknowledge your feelings and be very aware of the thoughts you are putting in your own mind...
...Because YOUR BODY is listening and will react to the way you are processing these emotions.

As I have read, when we are experiencing negative energy with anxiety, anger, hurt, etc. our bodies will go into a "fight or flight" mode.  Either wanting to lash out, or become extremely anxious and/or depressed, we are giving ourselves the message that things are not good. And our bodies feel that throughout all our systems.

In turn, whether we are stressed over a mouse running across the floor in front of us, or a lion is sitting in front of us, the chemistry of our bodies reacts in the same way, making it much harder to cope and heal. So stress has an incredible effect on everyone.

So what can you do to help yourself with this?

1. The number one thing to start today is having GRATITUDE.  By literally counting our daily blessings and making a verbal or written note (journaling) of them, we start to see how many things are good in our days no matter what might be happening in our lives. Do it daily when you wake.

2. Try meditation, yoga or anything you are comfortable with that will give you some focus on you and your life.  This is a time to be still and listen to everything your body (not your mind...let that go right by during this time) is telling you.

3.  Call someone when the anxiety feels like too much.  Chat on the phone, go for a walk to get out in the air, or whatever makes you feel better.

4.  Have a time set (maximum 10 mins) for each day where you experience the negative parts of your day, your health, etc.  Sitting and dwelling on it all day long does not change anything and truly makes your health worse. (emotionally and physically)

5.  Exercise in whatever way you can. Move around your house if you can't go out, swing your legs and arms while sitting in a chair.  Can be outside?   Then again, walk, swim, hike, etc.  (see my previous post about Trampolining)

6. We suffer more in imagination than in reality (Seneca), so get a grasp on your thoughts and choose love.  By doing this, you will be teaching and training your mind to think in a calm and compassionate mode no matter what.  You will literally see a difference in your body and the way you react to things. Imagine choosing love over all of those negative feelings you hold?  What would your body look like and how would it react if you started doing that today?

7.  Read "The Biology of Our Beliefs"  (some of it is very scientific but it is an essential book).   Written by Dr. Bruce Lipton, Through the research of Dr. Lipton, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which our cells receive information. You can also view him on YouTube and I would highly suggest it for everyone.

8. Pray. And pray some more.  Our connections with what is important to us individually will keep our faith and emotions in the right place.

This all takes work, but I know YOU CAN DO IT!

Keep healing and stay positive,
Colleen :-)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to you all...

May this day, and all of those ahead of you, be filled with blessings to share!
With gratitude,
Colleen :-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


What smiles, hugs and support will you be able to give to someone today?
A listening ear can be so appreciated by someone who truly knows they are important to you and you have the time for them. Gratitude is a feeling of kindness, compassion and even love that can be shared.
How easy the gifts of our presence can be when we fill someone's heart with happiness and they walk away with both of us smiling from ear to ear!
May you bring your wonderful gift of friendship, understanding and happiness to many,

Colleen :-)

Monday, November 14, 2016


When I first mentioned Tapping to my family and friends, they thought that I had put on some special shoes and decided to become the next Ginger Rogers!
But Tapping, EFT, otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a type of Meridian Tapping that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology with startling results.
Nick Ortner, of The Tapping Solution, has worked with thousands of people, young and old, healthy and healing, to teach this technique.  It is a simple, but highly effective way of relieving stress and so much more.

By Tapping, people overcome many issues. From pain relief, to healing childhood traumas, to clearing limiting financial beliefs, to weight loss, body image and food cravings, to fears and phobias, Tapping is proving to be a powerful, well-researched and easy to learn and apply technique.

Tapping utilizes the body’s energy meridian points by stimulating them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power.

Your body is more powerful than you can imagine… filled with life, energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing. With Tapping, you can take control of that power!

Please take the time to watch the video below and go to for more wonderful information on this technique.  Many use it as a way of meditation and focus and if you haven't tried it, please take a look.

Happy Tapping and continued healing,
Colleen :-)


Sunday, November 6, 2016


The just released book The Truth About Cancer by Ty Bollinger/Hay House publisher made #3 on the New York Times Bestseller list under the "Advice and How-to" category!!

It is a book about cancer, healing and prevention and is an important resource for all of us.

I again have no affiliation with this organization, but the information and advice I have received from them over the past year, has brought major life style changes with results along the way for me.  Please go to to learn more about it and to purchase your copy.

For those we love that may be dealing with this disease that has had such an impact on their lives, and their family and friends, it is a must read.

May it help you in more ways than you had imagined,

Colleen :-)

Monday, October 31, 2016

Image result for healing and health images
There are hundreds of miracles in every day, may one of them be yours today!
With ever expanding hope and good health,
Colleen :-)

Friday, October 21, 2016

Smile, Smile, Smile!!

Having one of those days???   Well I am here to share a smile and maybe even a belly laugh with you this morning.  No matter what your day looks like so far, take a breath and give yourself the gift of smiles.
As a friend told me recently, "Fake it until you make it" other words, push yourself to smile, laugh, soak in the beauty of the day (the seagulls were squawking at me and I got to "talk" with them for a minute and it changed my whole attitude within that moment :-)  until your mind and body truly feel the joy and happiness of the day!  It is right there waiting for you!
Put on a happy face!
Colleen :-)

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Hope that you are finding at least three things to be grateful for today, and every day.
Don't forget to write it down so that you can go back to your Grateful List and continue to count
your blessings!  Finding people, places and special things in your life to be grateful for is all part of the healing process.  Embrace them!
With thankful thoughts in starting this beautiful day,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Truth About Cancer....

Let's help educate and eradicate cancer from everyone's life!

Tomorrow starts The Truth About Cancer (TTAC) Ultimate Live Symposium and you can have access to the speakers for Free for this once in a lifetime event through my personal link below:

Presentations start on Friday, October 14th through Sunday, October 16th.  **Please note that the times listed on the schedule are Eastern time.

Sharing information to help heal the world and praying for you and your families,

Colleen :-)

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Keeping healing energy going...
How are you feeling today?  How calm is your day and what joy have you felt so far?
Let's use some visualization (forming a mental image of; imagine something) for today....
1. Make sure your body is calm and present
     *Slow your mind
     *Clear the noise in your head (turn off the radio, tv, etc)
     *Remember from posts before to just sit and listen to the beauty around you (birds, the wind, music in the distance or anything else that catches your heart and makes you smile)
2.  Feel the positive, healing energy
     *In a tangible way, positive energy can be powerful and you can feel it surrounding you and flowing from within you.  Positive energy can feel joyful, courageous, content, happy and more!
3.  What is important for you right now that you need to release so that your body is filled completely with positive energy?
     *Locate the place in your body where this issue of negativity is and "pull" it out of the energy in your body, visualizing yourself doing this.
     *Identify this negative energy and "place" it elsewhere away from your body (put this negative energy/stress area outside in your garden to grow differently; place it in a box and close the lid; wrap it up and throw it away; take it out to the ocean, creek, river and let it float away....visualizing each step as you do this)
     *Don't recreate it and make it something else or give it the power that it may be worse than it truly is.
4. Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly

     *Visualize the area in your body where you "removed" the negative energy and fill it with positive energy now.

     *Focus on seeing a full healing of your body.

     *Bring in a path to your visualization...where does this positive path take you?   What are your goals as you walk this path? Who is there with you?

5. Take time to do this exercise whenever anxiety and stress begin to block your joy.

More to come on this and other ways of releasing negative energy in our bodies.

With positive energy and thoughts to you!

Colleen :-)

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Joined a friend for coffee today and finally shared my story with her.
How blessed I am to have met such a special person that helped make my heart lighter and my hope stronger.
Have you called your friend today to chat with or go for a walk together?  When a good friend comes your way it is like therapy for the soul.  Don't wait to reach out and contact some friends!
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Colleen :-)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

On those roughest days beauty, support and love are there!
Thank you my dear friend!
May your days sparkle and shine with the blessings that are all around you.
Remember to use gratitude to nudge, or even push you, through challenging times.

I am right there with you...
Colleen :-)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Keeping positive energy around you every day....

Who has supported and inspired you on this journey?
Let them know that they have helped you along the way, or even just through today.
A hug, a phone call, a letter in the mail will brighten their days as they have done for you.
All the others....just let them go!!...with all feelings attached to them left behind you from this moment forward.
These are your days to cherish and enjoy!  So do it to your fullest!
Sending you positive energy and peace,

Colleen :-)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Having a rough day?......


Get outside!!  Fresh air and a different perspective can turn things around for all of us!!

Let there be no excuses that you can't get outside, if even just in your backyard if that is all you can handle today. Cold weather?  Bundle up!  Rain? Get that umbrella out!

Try one of these:

1. Catch up with a friend.  Call them and see if they can come over for an hour and sit in your yard with you and chat. Or maybe they are up for a visit from you.

2. Go for a walk....on your own, with a friend, with your dog, etc.  Notice new things in your neighborhood. Say hello to everyone you pass by.

3. Sit outside and listen to what is in the air.  This sounds so cliché, but please really listen. What stands out to you?  What makes you smile when you hear it?  What makes you breathe a little easier?

4. Where can you find a place to put your worries?  (they truly aren't helping you, so why not give them away?)  Why not write them out on paper and "plant" the paper in your garden.  Visualize those worries growing into something beautiful and healthy.  What about saying those worries out loud and letting the wind or the birds nearby carry them away?  Let them go!  If even for just today. (tomorrow you can give them away again :-)

5. Talk to a neighbor you haven't spoken with in awhile (or ever).  Share something positive about yourself and see what they have to share also.

6. Volunteer to help someone if you can.  Does an older neighbor need something from the store? Could you help them with something or bring some flowers from your yard to them to brighten their day as well?  Giving is always a positive way to boost our own spirits.

7.  Read a book that makes you laugh and brings you joy.

7.  Connect with God.  Be united with the Spirit that guides you and with every aspect know that you are limitless in power and peace.

Smile and Breathe!

Colleen :-)

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Read all you can get your hands on by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  His books are inspirational and full of love!

Wishing you smiles and joy throughout the weekend!

Colleen :-)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sharing information...


Although I have absolutely no affiliation with this organization, I highly recommend taking the time to visit The Truth About Cancer website. I have personally seen remarkable improvements by following the pertinent information they share.

Remember, like anything else you read, everything needs to be researched, discussed and the final decisions in your health treatments and care are totally yours.  But the more we can educate ourselves, the healthier we may be.

This is your most important time to be involved~

So don't wait! See what they have to share!

The Truth About Cancer first ever conference is in Texas in October (seats are sold out, but you can get on a waiting list).  Join their mailing list and be informed throughout the week of new studies, advance treatments, etc.  A new book with the same title of the organization is coming out in October chock full of information for everyone.

Please take the time to visit them at:

Wishing you further health and full healing with each new day,

Colleen :-)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Jumping for Joy.....and Healing

Using a trampoline is actually extremely good for you in getting your lymph nodes to work in detoxing your body and is a healthy exercise for everyone!

I have been using a mini trampoline (sometimes also called a rebounder/rebounding) for a year now almost every day and have worked up to one hour a day. You can use it while listening to the radio, music, watching TV or whatever may motivate you the most to keep jumping.  The mini trampolines usually fold up and can be carried easily.  There are also trampolines with handles to keep your balance if you feel more comfortable using that kind.

To understand how important this exercise can be to those with a chronic illness, I am sharing information from the Well Being Journal ( Please take the time to read this entire piece to learn how our lymph nodes play such a big role in everyone's health.

REBOUNDING: Good for the Lymph System

By Dave Scrivens, Certified Lymphologist, Well Being Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3. 
The body has a built-in need for activation. The lymph system, for example, bathes every cell, carrying nutrients to the cell and waste products away. Yet the lymph is totally dependent on physical exercise to move.
Without adequate movement, the cells are left stewing in their own waste products and starving for nutrients, a situation that contributes to arthritis, cancer and other degenerative diseases. Vigorous exercise such as rebounding [jumping on a therapeutic mini-trampoline] is reported to increase lymph flow by 15 to 30 times. Also, bones become stronger with exercise.
Vertical motion workouts such as rebounding are much different and much more beneficial and efficient than horizontal motion workouts, such as jogging or running.
The lymph fluid moves through channels called “vessels” that are filled with one-way valves, so it always moves in the same direction. The main lymph vessels run up the legs, up the arms and up the torso. This is why the vertical up-and-down movement of rebounding is so effective to pump the lymph.

Rebounding For Detoxification And Immune System Benefits

The rebounding motion stimulates all internal organs, moves the cerebral-spinal fluid and the aqueous fluid within the eyes (many people claim improved eyesight), and does wonders for the intestines. Many immune cells such as T-lymphocytes and macrophages are self-propelled by amoebic action. These cells contain molecules identical to those in muscle tissue. All cells in the body become stronger in response to the increased G-force during rebounding, and this cellular exercise results in the self-propelled immune cells being up to five times more active. The job description of these cells includes eating viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells, so it is good that they be active. This exercise directly strengthens the immune system.
Rebounding is an exercise that reduces your body fat; firms your legs, thighs, abdomen, arms, and hips; increases your agility; and improves your sense of balance. Rebounding strengthens your muscles overall, provides an aerobic effect for your heart, rejuvenates your body when it’s tired, and generally puts you in a state of health and fitness.
Jumping on a rebounder is remarkably gentle on the joints. There’s no solid ground to suddenly stop the bouncing of your feet. Your movements are perfectly safe, and they make the effect of gravity beneficial.

Some benefits of rebounding include:

• 20 minutes of rebounding = 1 hour of running for cardiovascular workout
• Easy on the bones and joints (when using a therapeutic rebounder)
• Rebounding strengthens the heart muscle
• Profound body detoxification is possible
By working against constant gravitational pressure while bouncing, you resist Earth’s pull. Your resistance is subtle, but it builds cellular strength. Rebounding’s alternating weightlessness and double gravity produce a pumping action that pulls out waste products from the cells and forces into them oxygen and nutrition from the bloodstream.

The Detoxification Effect of Rebounding

The lymphatic system is the metabolic garbage can of the body. It rids you of toxins such as dead and cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other assorted junk cast off by the cells. The movement performed in rebounding provides the stimulus for a free-flowing system that drains away these potential poisons.
Unlike the arterial system, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump. It has no heart muscle to move the fluid around through its lymph vessels. There are just three ways to activate the flow of lymph away from the tissues it serves and back into the main pulmonary circulation. Lymphatic flow requires muscular contraction from exercise and movement, gravitational pressure, and internal massage to the valves of lymph ducts. Rebounding supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body.

Happy and healthy jumping to you!!
Colleen :-)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

May courage fill your days...and hope, joy and love always be in your heart!
Wishing you the best,
Colleen :-)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Eating Well...Living Well...Healing  (Part 2)

"A Shady Vegan"

That's what I have recently been nicknamed as I am a Vegan, except I do eat fish :-)

In addition, there are things that Vegans eat that I do not, including wheat, tofu (tofu is made from soy milk), sugar and other items to help in healing.

It doesn't take researching much these days to know that a plant based diet (and organic as much as possible) are the healthiest and cleanest ways towards healing possibilities.  But this can be very challenging, and nutrition is extremely important in making sure that you get all the vitamins, proteins, etc that your body needs. So you may want to consult with a nutritionist or your doctor.

Foods to consider eating:

-Vegan "dairy"                                                                               -Stay away from:
*choices include some delicious Vegan cheese,                              *Dairy (including eggs)
cream cheese (Kite Hill brand/Whole Foods is a favorite
of mine)

- Fish                                                                                                 *Meat-If you choose meats,
* Sardines and small fish are the healthiest to eat and                       try to stay with only chicken
very good for Omega 3's.  (larger fish tend to have mercury             and turkey, preferably          
 and other chemicals in them) No fish is labeled organic                   organic/no

-Grains, Organic Brown Rice, Organic Quinoa, Pastas                   *Avoid white rice, pasta and
                                                                                                            potatoes..may cause inflammation

-Oils                                                                                                  *Vegetable, Canola, etc are
* Stick with Olive Oil (use this only on low heat cooking)                not as healthy
Coconut Oil (good for higher heat cooking and even eating raw)
Avocado Oil is recommended by some

*Stores now carry organic veggies for juicing and are quite
inexpensive for large containers.  Use coconut or almond milk
and add other ingredients to suit your personal tastes. Drink

There are plenty of options and recipes, cookbooks, health stores, restaurants to research and explore delicious and nutritious meals. 

Happy and Healthy eating to you!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering today that we are all one...

With peace and love,


Friday, September 9, 2016

Drinking Right...Living Well...Healing (Part 2)

As a short follow up to yesterday's posts on healthy drinks (my next post will be on juicing and a few other healthy eating tips), I did want to mention alcohol.

Over the last few years, many have shared with me that they have heard how red wine helps cancer.
The resveratrol in red grapes/red wine has shown to be a possible antioxidant and now even comes in pill form.

However, red wine is another product that those with current cancer need to reconsider as red wine is 1) very high in sugar content (remember sugar causes inflammation in cells for those dealing with chronic illnesses, etc) 2) red wine is recommended for people who are healthy, or those in remission.  If you are interested in taking resveratrol and are someone dealing with cancer at this time, it has been suggested that resveratrol be taken in pill form to avoid the sugar in the red wine.

***Ounce for ounce, peanuts have about 25% as much resveratrol as red wine.  I snack daily on peanut butter***

Sending hope and joy on this beautiful day!

Colleen :-)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Drinking Right...Living Well...Healing

I have previously posted about sugars in the body, and so with anything that you may be drinking, it is very wise to check the labels to see how much sugar may be in any kind of drink you are purchasing or ordering.

You can research this further, but here is what I have learned is best to drink (and not to drink) in eating clean:


1. Water, water, water!  For years we have heard this, but research shows that drinking lots of water may also help keep your acid level normal (Acidic environments cause inflammation in your cells and doesn't allow for healthy cells to grow).  Of course if you are on chemo treatments, the minimum liquids you should have (preferably water, but tea and broth are good also) is 64 ounces a day.  Use your refrigerator filtered water, a Brita filter, or other system because much of our tap water has higher acidic levels in them.  (you can test the ph level in your water to see how high the acid level is. Test strips are available online and also at Whole Foods and other specialty stores)

Also, I attended several workshops where the presenter/doctors had more concern for us drinking out of plastic bottles than anything else because of the chemicals in the plastic.  One presenter was so adamant about avoiding it with every chance you have that she preferred to have you be thirsty a little while longer than drink from a plastic bottle.  There are plenty of BPA free drinking vessels available now, so please use them instead of plastic bottles and the glass ones are even better.

**Please remember that coffee does not count and actually depletes your body of fluids.

2. Organic black and green teas (always go for organic as many teas are grown in other countries that have no restrictions with the pesticides they are allowed to use)

3. Milk substitutes:  As you have probably seen in your local supermarket, there are tons of milks to choose from nowadays!

Choose a substitute from milk (animal product) that includes Organic Coconut milk or Organic Almond milk

(**read even these labels....there are some brands that include Carrageenan in the ingredients.  Although it has not been labeled as a carcinogen, research has shown that Carrageenan causes intestinal damage in animals)  It is up to you, but soy is a well discussed issue in regards to people having any soy in their diet if they have cancer.  If you do have cancer, I would personally suggest not using Soy milk, especially with so many other options out there now.

4.  Organic Kombucha fermented tea:  Oh this is my favorite and I drink it every day! It may take adjusting to the taste...and some have compared it to having a taste between sparkling apple cider and champagne. (I think it is much more like apple cider and vinegar)  If you haven't heard, fermented drinks and food are the "in" thing for everyone and many, if not all, of the Kombuchas have probiotics in them as well.  There are a variety of flavors, but again, you will find that anything with fruit flavors are going to be higher in sugar.  So read the labels to see the sugar count.

To learn more about Kombucha and how to make your own, this is one website to take a look at:   (**Kombucha contains yeast, so please be advised if you have any allergy to this ingredient)

Hope this is informative and gives you some options to try!

Drink up and cheers to hope and good health!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Let it all go....your healing is now and life holds nothing but this present time...

Friday, September 2, 2016

Eating Right....Living Well....Healing

This is a topic that often comes with controversy on what exactly is the best diet for those dealing with a chronic illness. I am not a nutritionist, but have personally seen the positive effects of eating a strict diet after a diagnosis of an illness. Even my doctors have asked me to list the things I am eating/doing so they could note their observations.

What surprised me after my diagnosis is that I was assigned a nutritionist through my health system.  But that wasn't what I questioned.  It was the fact that she took no more than three minutes of my time to ask if I was eating fruits and vegetables and gave me the "Oh good" thumbs up sign and left to go on to the next patient.  I sat there listening to the same question being asked of each of us in the room. But I couldn't help but wonder if eating fruit was actually a wise decision for people with a chronic illness.

I researched and learned on my own that for people with an autoimmune illness, cancer, diabetes, etc. fruits are not necessarily a "good" food to put on your list.  The reason being is that fruit contains natural sugar that can act in our bodies the same way refined sugar does.

The research shows that sugar is a catalyst to inflammation in the body and this in turn can basically feed sick cells, causing illness to possibly grow further. In other words, the body does not necessarily benefit from eating fruit IF a person is already dealing with an illness.

Imagine my surprise when one day a friend picked up a "SuperFoods" juice bottle in the market for me that had a photo of all kinds of greens on it...kale, celery, grapes and green apples.....and there were 53 grams of sugar in it!  We just assume that because it is called Superfood, it has to be good for us.  But not for ALL of us.

So as a new start today, if you aren't doing it already, read labels on everything you are eating.  And although it may be tough at first, purchase as many food products (no fruit please) that are organic and have no sugar/very little sugar added.

Yes, that does mean desserts too.  Okay, I know, not an easy task, but you will be amazed within a few weeks of doing this that your body no longer craves the sugar.  (and don't go for the sugarless products....the substitutes are not good for anyone)

This is the first of some of my posts on food and eating for healing.  One link that I would like to share with you is  Their message is a strong one and I believe you will enjoy perusing the website to learn more.

Happy, healthy and clean eating to you and your families!

Colleen :-)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Guidance and Light

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross wrote, "People are like stained-glass windows.  They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within"

Be guided by divine light, in good times and in difficult times.  This light will shine upon your personal path, lifting you in confidence and building on your inner strength.  Allow this to move you forward without fear, anxiety, sadness or concern.

As you become more in tune with this divine light, allow yourself to be more conscious of God's direction for you, leading you to wise decisions and choices.  Be confident that all will be revealed at the right time and in the right way.  

(Paraphrased from the Daily Word 8/20/16)

Wishing you sunshine and strength throughout your days!

Colleen :-)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Sharing Hope and Joy with you today.....

"The Blue sky opens up
further and further,

The daily sense of failure
goes away,

The damage I have done to
myself fades,

A million Suns burst forward 
with light,
when I am seated firmly in that world." 

Kabir poem

I AM joy! I AM life! I AM love!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Power of I am.....

"I am" holds such power in our lives!!!

But we often use it to tell ourselves (and others unfortunately) all the negative things we feel about who we are.  When we look in the mirror, stand in front of others, compete, work hard at our jobs and in school, etc we often continue to point out the "flaws" about ourselves.

Yet today, is a new day to make a different choice in our lives.  Today is a day for us to start to use "I am" to recognize the wisdom, compassion, beauty, love, hope and peace of who we are and never let that go!!

With each step in our journeys, we are told how we should feel, what we should do, what steps to take next, and where "everyone else" is at the point we stand at during this time in our lives.

Now it is time to remind ourselves of how absolutely wonderful we are no matter what challenges may be happening in our lives.  And each time you state a positive note about yourself, your unconscious will work with you and your body to take that in to work in your favor.

So, grab a pencil, some notecards and write 5 "I am" statements on several cards.  Put them on your mirror, the inside of your front door, the dashboard of your car, etc and read them out loud every day.

These are hugs to yourself and you surely deserve them!!

My "I am" statements are:

I am loved.

I am courageous.

I am grateful.

I am radiant.

I am blessed by God.

Believe in the power of words, believe in you!  

Wishing you continued joy in all your days...

Sunday, July 24, 2016


For the past few months I haven't written, but for good reasons. I have been working on my intentions and my biggest one has involved natural healing.  To the surprise of my doctor and those around me, I have maintained good health and pray that my continued daily work puts me on the road back to perfect health.

Just recently I had the pleasure of leading a group of women for a discussion on Intentions.
Taking information from one of my favorite authors, Wayne Dyer, I wanted to share some of this with you as well.

**Intentions can be defined as (n) an aim or plan; the healing process of a wound.

And according to Wayne Dyer, Intention is not something you do, but is an energy you are a part of-an energy that you can access to begin or continue, in co-creating your life.

Here are exciting ways to connect with your Intentions today:

1. Be Creative
     ~Trust your own purpose and have an attitude of unbending intent in your daily thoughts and activities.  Allow your Intentions to be a part of your daily life.

2.  Be Kind

     ~Make an effort to live in cheerful kindness. It is a much higher energy than anger and judgement and it makes the manifestation of your desires possible.

   ~It's through giving that we receive, and it's through acts of kindness directed towards others that also attracts into our lives what we desire.

     Be Kind to yourself in everything you do.

     Be Kind towards others

     Be Kind towards all animals in the kingdom of Life here on the forests, the deserts, the beaches and all that has the essence of life pulsating through it.

3.  Be Love

     ~Love is the force behind the will of God

4.  Be Beauty

     ~Appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch and experience

5.  Be Ever Expansive

     ~By being in an ever-expanding state, you are continually growing intellectually, emotionally and spiritually

6.  Be Abundant

     ~Intention is endlessly abundant and holds limitless awareness.  There doesn't need to be a set list for just this time and then waiting to do the rest of your list next month, next year, when you retire, etc.

7.  Be Receptive

     ~Be open to the power of your intentions and allow God to handle your life for you.

"I accept the guidance and assistance of the same force that created me, I let go of my ego, and I trust in this wisdom to move at its own peaceful pace. I make no demands on it"~ Dr Wayne Dyer

So now take some time to write down your own Intentions.  And find a place to hang them up
so that you are reminded of what is deep in your heart and some of the ways that are included above
to get there.

May your life be filled with Love, Peace and Hope!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Living Every Day with Joy

In coping with everyday changes that sometimes include continuous medical issues, this may seem like a huge challenge in keeping joy in your heart and life.  But it is essential to healing and keeping yourself on a healing track.  It is not something that comes naturally to all of us.  And some may have had the knack for laughing and being upbeat, but you may feel as if you have lost much of that right now. But there are ways to work on it and keep your heart, mind, body and spirit on a positive path:

1.  Look in the mirror each morning and tell yourself out loud how much you love YOU.  It may seem awkward, silly, and totally out of your realm.  But let yourself know how important, strong, courageous you are and how much you love yourself for all those things and more. Truly look at yourself and how beautiful you are.

2.  Journal on anything that comes up for you.  Do it free style with no structure to your writing. Find a comforting place to write for 15 minutes and then put it away.  Let out everything you need to and share the things that keep coming up with a family member, close friend, counselor, etc.  Remember, your support team is one that you build along the way.  Choose those who will lift you up by what you share.

3.  Visualization- If you are not a writer, then sit in a peaceful place with no distractions and close your eyes.  Now imagine having a pad of paper and a pen and write down one of your fears.  Finish it and in your mind crumble it up.  With that paper, toss it into my flowing river and let it drift away.  Continue to do this with another fear, anger, etc and toss that as well. Make this your intention that eventually that feeling will truly be released from you and float away.

4.  Be Grateful- Not an easy task again when trying to cope with so much.  But find 3 things that are happening in your life right now that you are blessed with and deeply cherish those. Gratefulness carries over to others and can empower those in your life that are supporting you as well.

5.  Feel God within - Whatever your religion or spiritual choice may be, embrace it.  Know that this higher power has plans for you and will guide you in all the right ways that are to be. Connect in whatever ways feel positive for your heart, mind, body and spirit. Let this be your endearing and cherished highest power to see you through your blessings and your healing.

6.  Be kind to yourself- You have survived and are meant to be here!  Let kindness seep into every cell and flow in your heart always.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

As if a vacuum had not only sucked the breath out of my body, but also the life out of my heart, a diagnosis  of cancer left me feeling as if I was the only person standing on the earth that day.  This was my diagnosis.  This was my illness. This was my life.  What was I going to do with all of this that was truly just mine?

And although it felt this way, I came to learn that it really is something that so many of us unfortunately share in one way or another.  So please know that you are not alone.

We are not meant to deal with these issues on our own, and as I continue to deal with this for the past 2 1/2 years, I know how important it is to bring in others to help us.  These issues are too big and too much for our souls to make so many decisions and try to take care of our daily life in addition to our medical focus.

Building your own personal support "team" is going to bring you not only love and further hope, but will truly benefit your healing. And the sooner you can establish support, the easier it will be for you to focus on the main issue: getting well again.

So think about what is it that you need for healing:  support; physical help that might include mobility, transportation aid; emotional health; dietary needs (someone to cook for you, friends taking turns to bring dinner every night, etc), someone to stay the night(s) with you (anxiety and fears can take over at the quietest times...I will address this soon) and anything else you may want right now.
Don't limit yourself.  People want to help.  It just takes asking on your part.

1. Of course first and most important is to establish your team of support with family members, friends, church/temple members and/or anyone else who you personally feel will help you with what you might need at this time.  These needs will also change over time and you may want to include others on your "team" later on that were not involved initially in helping you.

2. Check into classes and support groups at your local hospital. There are wonderful programs in many of the cancer centers of hospitals and I have had the opportunity to be in meditation, yoga and health classes in several areas I have lived in.

3. Ask in the Oncology Department of your center/hospital what counseling options there are for you. Meeting with a counselor who deals with only cancer patients was a tremendous help for me knowing that she had a much greater understanding of this than the general population of counselors.

4.  Contact your local Cancer Support Community (CSC) center (they are nationwide and formerly called The Gilda Radner Club).  These are non-profit organizations that hold extensive classes, support groups, presentations, etc for you, your families, and your friends (including support groups for children with parents dealing with cancer in many of the centers). My daughter was compassionately carried through some of our hardest days with CSC's family support group.  And I attended a fun loving weekly journaling class that has become a part of who I am today.

5.  Let those in your church/clubs/other activities know what you are experiencing at this time.  This dis-ease affects so many every day and there may be connections with others that you never knew about before this.

And if any one reading would like to add to this list, that would be wonderful!

Please make sure to sign in to be able to post on this blog.

With gratitude and hope,

"It is no coincidence that four of the six letters in health are "heal"~ Ed Northstrum

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Healing is a Choice is meant to be a place for support, resources, and personal sharing.  That is why I am so excited to be starting this blog.  Over the last few years, I have had people asking me about various methods I have learned in healing the body, mind, and spirit, and I am happy to be able to share these with you.  I am not a medical doctor, or in the field of medicine.  These are simply meant to be healing additions to the care you or a loved on may be receiving.  My message is that this is a place to develop positive thinking, positive attitude, peace of mind, options that you use that make you feel empowered, and with God by your side, a little more hope than you had before.

"Ride the fire breathing dragon of your dreams fearlessly."