Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Power of I am.....

"I am" holds such power in our lives!!!

But we often use it to tell ourselves (and others unfortunately) all the negative things we feel about who we are.  When we look in the mirror, stand in front of others, compete, work hard at our jobs and in school, etc we often continue to point out the "flaws" about ourselves.

Yet today, is a new day to make a different choice in our lives.  Today is a day for us to start to use "I am" to recognize the wisdom, compassion, beauty, love, hope and peace of who we are and never let that go!!

With each step in our journeys, we are told how we should feel, what we should do, what steps to take next, and where "everyone else" is at the point we stand at during this time in our lives.

Now it is time to remind ourselves of how absolutely wonderful we are no matter what challenges may be happening in our lives.  And each time you state a positive note about yourself, your unconscious will work with you and your body to take that in to work in your favor.

So, grab a pencil, some notecards and write 5 "I am" statements on several cards.  Put them on your mirror, the inside of your front door, the dashboard of your car, etc and read them out loud every day.

These are hugs to yourself and you surely deserve them!!

My "I am" statements are:

I am loved.

I am courageous.

I am grateful.

I am radiant.

I am blessed by God.

Believe in the power of words, believe in you!  

Wishing you continued joy in all your days...

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