Saturday, February 24, 2018

Be kind to one another...

Truly listen to the hearts of others and you will grow and heal in so many ways.

Allow the opportunity for your ego to be set aside with whatever issues may come up
between you and someone else.  Listen to their needs, desires, pains and joys.

Let love flow...

Wishing you the best,

Colleen :-)

Friday, February 23, 2018

Not Your Regular TAPPING....

**This event starts on Monday, Feb 26th and is FREE online!
**Tapping is using points on your body for better health and healing.  This technique is being used al over the world by people of all ages.
**Several million people have attended the previous nine annual Tapping World Summits with attendance growing each year!
**Discover how you can register for this and get also have an option to unlimited access to these training session to keep you on track with your Health, Abundance and Emotional Well-Being always!
**Go to to learn more about this practice that you can do anywhere, at any time to relieve anxieties, fears, etc.
Please take time to go on the website and register for the Tapping Summit that starts in just a few days!
Happy Tapping to better health,
Colleen :-)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Bless the voices of the children...

Amazing, strong, courageous and brave......may each of us be inspired and feel this way
with each waking day!

Wishing each of us peace, strength, healing and love,

Colleen :-)

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Have Faith...

Keep fear and worry away.   Let Faith carry you through the joys and happiness of every day.

No matter what may be happening in your life (remember we are all in this together, so we all have our challenges, none being bigger or smaller than others) hold onto those close to you, pray, laugh, pray again. Connect with the Divine Love in your life. Feel blessed. Feel loved.

Truly know that everything will be okay.

Smile and let Light into your life from this moment on,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

For all of us on this mournful day...

May we find ways to heal and honor those lost.

May changes come about to comfort our souls and fill our hearts with compassion and kindness that we send out to all others who need our love now, and always.

Peace be with you,

Colleen :-)

Sunday, February 11, 2018

We are One...

As you awake upon each day, remind yourself of how blessed you are to be here.

Remember how blessed you are that your days will be lifted by the energy, love and prayers that are put out into the Universe on your behalf, and on the behalf of all others in the world.

Hold onto that energy and allow it to heal us as a community, as a people and as One in the world.

Together, we will heal and be well again,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Wishing you peace, joy and many smiles in your days!

Colleen :-)

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Too often we are around others and as they are speaking with us, our thoughts are already way ahead of them with what it is we want to say next.

But to listen to someone's words and truly take them in is a gift....for both you and the person you are with at that moment.  You learn about, support, and possibly love that person even more.  And they feel supported by you being present to them.

Listening is what connects us on a deeper level, so starting today, listen to what is being said. Reflect those words back to the person you are talking with.

And there are other things in our days to listen to:

Listen to your breathing.   Fill your body with air (through your nose), inflating your stomach and reaching all the way down to your toes.  Release the air through your mouth, blowing out all the air that has cleaned your cells and rids you of unhealthy air and thoughts.

Listen to your neighborhood.  Are the birds singing?  The waves crashing?  The neighbors laughing?

Listen to your heart.  What do you need today to make your heart happy no matter what is going on?
If you can, fulfill that need for yourself.  Or find one that you can achieve within the next 24 hours.  These are pearls of love that you give yourself.

May this day be the start of listening to all around you.


Colleen :-)

Monday, February 5, 2018

Words of Healing for all...

Pleasant Words      (thank you to Joel Osteen)
Do you look for good things to say about yourself and others? Are you speaking pleasant words? The Bible tells us that pleasant words are healing to the body. Do you need healing in your body—physically? Spiritually? Emotionally? Your words can bring that healing. Start speaking pleasant words—words of life, encouragement and thanksgiving. Guard your heart by making sure you are only listening to pleasant, life-giving words. If there's something on the TV or radio that isn't bringing life to your soul, turn it off. If someone's having a conversation that's not uplifting or productive, don't be a part of it. Choose to meditate on God's Word which is living and active and full of pleasant words. As you choose life by choosing life-giving words, you'll see God's healing operating in your life. You'll feel strength and peace in your soul, and you will move forward into the abundant life God has in store for you!
With joy, peace, healing and praise sent your way today, and everyday!
Colleen :-)

Friday, February 2, 2018

Bring positive energy and light from others into your life...
Image result for others in your life

Wishing you laughs, warmth and happiness with the friends who know just what you need to get you through your day.....

Colleen :-)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Finally an Organic City in the USA!!



Portland, Maine bans toxic pesticides on public and private property

Thank you to Natural Health 365... January 26, 2018

At the beginning of 2018, the City Council of Portland, Maine decided in a unanimous vote (9-0) to restrict toxic pesticide use in favor of safer organic methods.  The decision applies to all lands and yard in the city, both private and public.

It took two and a half years of intense discussion and debates, but the effort was worth it: the ordinance is one of the strongest of its kind in the United States. A total of 28 jurisdictions in Maine have made similar decisions regarding toxic pesticides, but none are as strong and comprehensive as Portland’s.

Why go organic? It’s a great way to prove you care about your citizens

Health and environmental groups across the U.S. are praising Portland, ME for its diligence in addressing this important public health issue. A letter penned by 31 science and medical professionals lauded the decision and emphasized the importance of finding safer solutions than toxic pesticides.
One of the most widely used environmental products is glyphosate, which is sold under the popular brand name Roundup. Roundup was dubbed a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization back in 2015. Since then, well over 800 people have filed suit against the company due to cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma linked to the weed killer.
In addition, Roundup’s manufacturer Monsanto has since been caught lying and covering up the risks of using Roundup for the past 40 years. Monsanto’s own studies have shown that glyphosate can cause prostate cancer, bladder cancer, adenoma cancer, brain tumors, lung cancer and skin cancer.
On top of everything else: glyphosate has also been linked with heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, cataracts and “leaky gut,” a suspected precursor for multiple sclerosis.

Portland, Maine now requires organic alternatives to toxic chemicals

At this time in the U.S., just a handful of states are allowed to enact pesticide restrictions due to preemption laws. The movement to ban pesticides in Portland, ME began back in August of 2015 when the Portland Protectors group presented a draft pesticide ordinance to the City Council. A petition was then circulated that went on to receive more than 1,300 signatures.
After several hearings, a Task Force was formed by the City Council to further study the issue. Debate continued, and a preliminary bill was formed. After several refinements, the final bill was passed.

Banning toxic chemicals and pesticides in favor of organic choices helps preserve our future

In addition to the pesticide use restrictions, there is a strong education and outreach component in the bill to teach the community about safe environmental procedures and best practices. The ordinance assures a shift toward using safer products that do not damage human life or the environment.
The passage of this important ordinance in Portland, ME underscores how a persistent grassroots movement can lead to profound positive change. In terms of the benefits to human health and safety and the environment, efforts like this are well worth the time and energy.

Praying more and more cities start to follow this precedent~

Colleen :-)