Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Be very kind to yourself...

May you always be reminded of how special you are and how much treating yourself that way every day is so important!

Colleen :-)

Monday, March 19, 2018

Eating healthy on the road...

Food Revolution (foodrevolution.org) has recently written an article on the best way to travel and stay healthy. It may take a little extra work, but your body will be happy you did.

Here are some tips they recommend:

1. Find out (even in advance) where and when the local farmer's markets may be held where you will be traveling to.  You get to see that part of the city you may not have taken the time to visit, and you can purchase organic veggies and fruit.

2. Support local farmer's stands as you travel.  You will find all the seasonal goodies to make your trip great by keeping healthy.

3. Visit local vendors in the towns you visit, a great way to find out about the restaurants you may want to eat at, along with connecting to the community.  Talk to the locals to see what places they recommend.

4. If possible (traveling by car in the USA), bring non-perishable foods that you are use to eating, such as probiotics (non-refrigerated kind), flax seeds and/or chia seeds, organic fruits and vegetables, ginger (for an upset tummy), nuts and seeds, spices, etc.

5. By car, perhaps bring your favorite cooking tools....a small cutting board and knife, reusable glass water bottle, a small cooler and ice packs, small storage glass containers with lids, etc.

Your travels with attention to your health will make your time away from home even more enjoyable!

Happy Traveling!

Colleen :-)

Thursday, March 15, 2018


So many were interested in the "When Someone Hurts You" post, I thought this would be helpful.

When you are in a situation that may spark your anger or fears, what do you do with it?
Many times we automatically respond to others by "fighting back" and becoming very defensive.
And often someone may not take the time to understand what is happening in the lives of others.

Compassion is our biggest gift.  So we need to take time to ask ourselves the questions above.

"Is it true?"........For what we are about to say, is each word the truth?   Not half hearted or possibly true, but the full truth.  For if not, what is our benefit for saying something that doesn't match our heart's desire to be honest.

"Is it necessary?"......Will what you say benefit the person you are going to say it to?   How will it help your relationship and make it grow in a positive way?  Remember your own ego needs to stay out of this to truly answer this question.

"Is it kind?".......How might the person you speak to feel if your words are unkind or hurtful?  What are your words worth in this relationship?   Can you say it differently so that your support comes through and you are still able to share your feelings?

These are important questions to think about before we speak. 

May your words be pleasant ones of kindness, understanding and growth for all involved.

Colleen :-)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Friendship Smiles..


Here's to all the friends who make our hearts happy!!

May your life always be filled with those who pick you for how special you are in the world!


Colleen :-)

Sunday, March 11, 2018

What would you wish be for the world?...

If you had three wishes for the world today, what would they be?

World peace?  Eliminate hunger?  Make the entire earth eco-friendly for our future generations?

Suppose we each put out daily wishes for our world, saying them out loud.  Sharing them with others and making small changes daily towards those wishes.  What would our world start to feel like with the energy of many?

As Jimi Hendrix had said, "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."

Perhaps this is the first wish for each and every one of us.......


Colleen :-)

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Make a wish for yourself...

Let the sparkle, the beauty, the love of your wish be given out to the Universe.
Say it out loud to confirm exactly what you are wishing for today.

Take a deep breath through your nose where the air fills all the cells of your body with your wish.
Hold your breath for a count of five seconds once your entire body is filled (yes, all the way
down to your toes and to the top of your head).  Release the air out through your nose.

Let your cells be tickled by this wish through your breath, so that your body feels your words.

Allow your body to truly feel the desire of your wish and never stop making wishes for yourself.

May each of your wishes come true in many ways to bring you a fulfilled and happy life!


Colleen :-)

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A Day with a True Friend...

How wonderful to have a place to sit and be with a friend who understands you.  Even more to be able to have a listening ear and a hand to hold when the tears or fears strike our hearts.

Make time for yourself of course.....and then call, visit, Face time, etc a friend.  Giggle together.
Share feelings.  Chat over coffee or tea.  Listen with a compassionate heart.  Be a healing spark for one another. 

Embrace your friends and delight in their love!

Colleen :-)

Sunday, March 4, 2018

When you love you...

We deserve to be nurtured every day. We grow in many ways when we take good care of ourselves.  But we need to be reminded at times that what is most important is loving who we are.

How can we best nurture ourselves?   Make no excuses and make time for you....

Here are a few ideas:

*  Take a long walk for no reason

*  Read your favorite book

*  Exercise/Meditate

*  Pray

*  Take a warm bath

*  Hug someone

*  Sink into the sand on the beach

*  Sing karaoke with your favorite singer

*  Let the rain drizzle on you for fun

Nurture your body, your mind and your soul.
It will fill your heart with joy, happiness and love.

Make nurturing yourself a priority.....always!

With love,

Colleen :-)

Saturday, March 3, 2018

When Others Hurt Us...

As you read  click on this link to for a Fountain Chime meditation to bring your heart peace and and contentment......https://youtu.be/c8BagVIejco

Those around us may not always be who we expect them to be.  Our forgiveness for them is the way to healing and love.  And love is what completes all our goals. But what about issues that have happened that leave us feeling hurt or angry?   How do we work through and let go of those negative feelings?

Perhaps we come to a point that we know that the behaviors of others do not fit into who we are and how we live our lives.  We have begun to allow their thoughts, words, and feelings to have an impact on our lives that is not always positive.

How do we get back to love?

Evaluate the issue at hand with those involved.  Perhaps setting boundaries, sharing feelings, making even further changes to see certain people less are part of the answers of your heart.  Perhaps the relationship needs a break or different paths need to be taken without each other from this point on.

The important thing is that the way others behave does not have an impact on the peace, joy and healing you have developed within you.  What will you need to do to take care of yourself with these kind of issues?

Wishing you inner peace and contentment always,

Colleen :-)

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Remember that Family can have many different members in it. In addition to possibly parents and siblings and extended family, others can include neighbors, community friends, people from afar.

Embrace all who give you support, make you feel loved, know that a note/call will make a difference in your day and truly help build your strength and healing with each smile they share with you.

Don't forget to let them know how much they mean to you, because they may need your strength some time too...

May your Family be strong and loving always,

Colleen :-)