Saturday, March 3, 2018

When Others Hurt Us...

As you read  click on this link to for a Fountain Chime meditation to bring your heart peace and and contentment......

Those around us may not always be who we expect them to be.  Our forgiveness for them is the way to healing and love.  And love is what completes all our goals. But what about issues that have happened that leave us feeling hurt or angry?   How do we work through and let go of those negative feelings?

Perhaps we come to a point that we know that the behaviors of others do not fit into who we are and how we live our lives.  We have begun to allow their thoughts, words, and feelings to have an impact on our lives that is not always positive.

How do we get back to love?

Evaluate the issue at hand with those involved.  Perhaps setting boundaries, sharing feelings, making even further changes to see certain people less are part of the answers of your heart.  Perhaps the relationship needs a break or different paths need to be taken without each other from this point on.

The important thing is that the way others behave does not have an impact on the peace, joy and healing you have developed within you.  What will you need to do to take care of yourself with these kind of issues?

Wishing you inner peace and contentment always,

Colleen :-)

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