Sunday, December 17, 2017

The fibers in our drinking water worldwide...

My last blog focused on how our clothing is made with toxins. I wanted to share with you the newest information on toxins (plastic fibers) that are showing up in our drinking water, some of it through our water supply through machine washing our clothes.

According to Orb Media, a report was published in September of this year and the following information is from :

83 percent of drinking water samples worldwide tested positive for microscopic plastic fibers.
Tiny plastic fibers or “microfibers” have been found in the far corners of the world – in the oceans, in remote lakes and rivers, in fish, salt, and honey, and in the air we breathe. But until now one research area – our drinking water – remained unexamined.

According to new research published by Orb Media, tap water and plastic bottled water in cities on five continents is contaminated with microscopic plastic fibers.Scientists say they don’t know how these fibers reach household taps, or what their health risks might be, but experts suspect plastic fibers may transfer toxic chemicals when consumed by animals and humans.

The news about plastic microfibers in our drinking water comes on the heels of a study by Plastic Soup Foundation (PSF) published in May 2017, showing microfibers in plankton, both farmed and wild mussels, sea salt, and even honey.

According to PSF, microfibers can enter our water supply through machine washing synthetic clothing such as fleece, polyester, and nylon. “It appears that 34.8 percent of primary microplastics released by machine washing synthetic clothes ultimately ends up in the environment," explained Maria Westerbos, director of Plastic Soup Foundation.

Clothing fibers are often too small to be filtered out at wastewater treatment plants and are discharged into streams, rivers, lakes, and eventually the ocean. 

These numbers are staggering. Many of us have been unaware of our everyday task of washing clothes having such an effect on our drinking water.

What can we do as individuals to help with this?   Check in on my next blog to read more please....

Keeping up with ways to keep us healthier and healing,

Colleen :-)

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